~Does this count as a reunion? Maybe not... Pt2~

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"Good to see you, Miss Hashira." Spoke the voice of the detained villain, locked up and secluded behind a transparent wall with you and All might looking through. It was only a couple of hours ago since you were told of All for one's request to speak to you and you very much just wanted to sleep, as it was currently after eight in the evening.
"Lets just get to the point." You said, approaching the wall. "It's much past the time I usually like to go to bed at."

The villain laughed aloud at your statement.
"You never fail to amuse me with your choice of words, Miss (Y/N), but as you said, I won't delay our conversation." He said, as you narrowed your eyes at him. "Regarding the question I left you with a while ago,-"
"No, I decided to decline the offer. Not that you could fulfill it in the state your in now." You answered.
"You say I can't do it right now, but what if I could in the future? Would you change your mind?" The villain asked you, as you raised an eyebrow.

"Wether you could or not, I don't want to. I am happy where I am and with the people I am with." You told him.
"But I can tell that you are still questioning and wandering about many things related to your past." It was silent for a few seconds, as you were still curious about a couple of things and if you were to go back, there would be no need for any of those questions. "I can tell that you are now considering making changes to your decision, no?"
"No." You said assured, as you suddenly remembered someone. "Genya Shinazugawa. He's here too. Tell me how he got here and why he didn't have to sleep through out the whole one thousand years like I didn't have to." That was something you began to wonder about when you were on your way to the prison with All might, who still stood silent, observing and listening to the conversation.

"I am sorry, Miss Hashira, but I am unable to answer that question for you."
"Because I myself do not know." He said, causing you to become even more curious about it. "One day, just like you, I found him awake, but that was around a month before you woke up. I decided to let him leave peacefully instead of fighting him, as I had no real interest in him."
"Is that all?"
"For now, unless you have more questions."
"I don't."
"Then farewell, but if you ever change your mind, then let me know." Those were the last words you heard from him before you and All might left.

As you sat in the vehicle, on your way back to your school, the ex-hero looked over at you, who was half-asleep in the back seat of the car.
"Young (Y/N), if you don't mind me asking, what was the question that All for one had asked you?" You were silent for a moment before responding.
"A while ago, he asked me if I wanted to go back to the Taisho era." In the driver's seat sat Tsukauchi, who automatically asked,
"When did he get the chance to?"
"When me and Bakugo were kidnapped." You answered.
"I thought you told us that you didn't remember anything, but waking up in your room the next day." The detective mentioned.

'I forgot about that...'

"Nothing else really happened though." You said in an effort to get out of any trouble as the driver sighed.
"I can understand what Young (Y/N)'s reason must have been for keeping that from us." All might said in your defence.
"I guess, but please be sure to tell us the full story if something like this were to happen again."
"Sure." You answered, wanting to end the lecture and get some more sleep before you got back to the dorms.


A few days have passed and Midoriya's house arrest was over, so he was now able to join you all in school, unlike Bakugo. You sat, unbothered by what was going on around you in the class until Mr Aizawa walked in.
"In your seats, everyone." He gave his usual glare, forcing order across the whole room. "Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about the work studies." In your head, you asked yourself about why he had left out Bakugo, but you didn't care about him anyways. "Please come in." As Aizawa finished his sentence, everyone's heads turned towards the door that began to open. "We'll be having students that have experienced the studies to talk to you all about how they are different to internships."

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