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"Please, officer Kan, you can't dismiss my brother's death as just another cold case," pleaded a teenage boy with long raven hair before an officer in uniform.

The older man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Listen here and listen good kid, because this is the last time I'm going to repeat myself! We did everything we could to find out about whatever his name was-"

"His name was Yuze," the teenager corrected.

"Yeah, whatever," the officer waved off. "There have been no loose ends since his fortunate death, so we have no choice but to close it as a cold case. We need more detectives on the job for other cases, and they can't be out searching for nothing right now."

One of the officer Kan's colleagues observed silently from the sidelines by his desk. His gaze shifted to the teen, who's brows furrowed in irritation. The man felt a wave of pity before returning to his work.

"If anything, it shouldn't have been a case to begin with, given his reputation among the village folk and the rumors of his shady business." Officer Kan spoke as he held a cigarette between his lips, pulling out a lighter to burn the other end before exhaling a puff of smoke.

"If anything, I would say good riddance. The rumors about that boy's spiritual antics were becoming too much. He's already caused enough trouble."

A baffled expression took over the colleague's face before getting up and approaching the older officer. "A-Ah senior Kan, don't you think you are being too harsh with the boy? He only wants to focus on his brother's case."

The older name scoffed at his younger colleague and blew out another cigarette.

"The boy is a spawn of Satan himself. I can't imagine what his parents went through raising him!" He kept ranting despite the teenager's presence. Some of the officers around him tried to hide their stifled laughter, but failed terribly as the teen heard regardless of their attempts.

"Didn't your parents pass away? I can't blame them. I wouldn't be caught alive with a son like that! The only place fit for that wench is six feet under haha!" The older man bellowed out in laughter. Some of the laughter around grew more audible.

The younger officer looked at his senior in disbelief. How could he be so insensitive in front of an innocent boy?

"Officer Kan!" The colleague scolded.

The boy stayed silent. His face now blank, and his dull dark eyes were dazedly fixed on the group.

"What? Only telling the truth, kid," the older officer muttered as he smoked away.

"You and the village folk called my brother evil, soiled, and cursed... Despite everything, he was far more human than will ever be in your pathetic life." The raven-haired boy spoke in a venomous tone, locking eyes with the older man before him.

"It sickens me to see so many innocent people die so early, while people like you get to see another day instead of suffering in hell where you belong."

Irked, the officer rose from his seat and towered over the teenager. "Huh?! What the hell did you say, you little punk?!" He bellowed as he grabbed the collar of the boy's button-up uniform, drawing the officers' attention, but no one rose to stop him.

"You heard what I said, old man."

"Sir! Please do not escalate this any further." The colleague interjected, tearing his grip on the white fabric.

"Stay away from this newbie! It's about that I put this little shit in his place!! Bad mouthing me in such a manner, who do you think you are, you low life?!"

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