"I wish god brings two true soul mates in both of yours life. Who knows maybe today," she added with a cheeky wink at the end.

"Not again Di," they both groaned together. To say that their sister was a romantic at heart would be an understatement. They always felt pity for her husband Samar.

"We came here just because of you but now please don't expect us to find our so-called movie-like true love on the first day of college," Rishab stated. 

But Anjali seemed unbothered by that. "And what if you do?" she questioned back.

"Then it will be like Cinderella meeting her Prince Charming," Rishab replied as he took her hand and twirled her around making her giggle. 

Madhu and Khushi gulped their breakfast as soon as possible and rushed to college. On their way they found almost everyone talking about the new family that shifted in the old mansion. Suddenly Madhu realized that she forgot her assignment on the dining table. She asked Khushi to go ahead. Though Khushi disagreed initially but left soon after Madhu forced her. Madhu turned back and rushed towards home whereas Khushi headed to college all alone. As soon as Khushi reached college she saw a shiny new car standing in the parking lot. That must be of those rich brats, she thought. When Khushi reached her class she found the whole class staring at her. Was there something on her face?

Her hand automatically flew to her face but then she realized that they all were staring at someone behind her. Without even bothering to look at him Khushi quickly ran to her favorite desk near the window. But soon she realized that that person behind her quickly came forward and sat on her desk. Kiddish? Yes, she knew but this was her favorite spot and she wasn't going to let any newbie take it forcefully. She turned around to yell at him but soon felt the air leaving her lungs. That guy was too handsome for his own good.

"Hey, you! This is my spot," she exclaimed as she felt him standing next to her.

"Not from today," he said as he slid inside the desk. The whole class burst into laughter and Khushi felt so embarrassed.

"Listen, mister. Just get out of my seat. I always sit here with my friend," she said getting impatient but Arnav didn't pay heed to her. Trishna who was listening to all this turned towards Khushi.

"Why don't you sit somewhere else? Please just don't irritate him on his first day here," she said. She then turned around to look at Arnav and pointed to the seat next to her. "You can make yourself comfortable here." Arnav rolled his eyes and opened his book. 

This was it for Khushi kumari Gupta and she was not going to give in so easily. She stomped her books on the desk and yelled, "Fine. Then I will also sit here." She then sat beside Arnav who was quite surprised at her childish behavior. At the same time, he was surprised at his own behavior. It was so unlikely of him to argue.

Whereas Madhu was finding it difficult to come back to college. She missed all the buses and was not able to find any auto. Since it was a small town, calling a cab was not that easy or quick. Suddenly a speeding car came from behind and brushed closely past her. Her books fell from her hand. She yelled at the driver.

"ARE YOU BLIND? Why do you even drive when you don't know how to?" she yelled frustrated. 

The car halted and then suddenly came towards her in the reverse direction. A mysteriously handsome boy came out of it. His looks were hot enough to melt anyone but not Madhu as she was already fuming in anger. Rishab saw a stammeringly beautiful girl standing in the middle of the road and oh boy, she didn't look pleased. 

"Can't you see? You ruined my stuff," she almost yelled.

Rishab got annoyed by her yelling and retaliated, "Excuse me? It was not my fault. You were the one walking in the middle of the road."

"And perhaps you don't even have manners. I know people from big cities very well. They all are selfish like you." she answered shocked at his tone.

"Oh really? Well, you see they are only selfish but you small-town girls don't even have enough brain or sense to use it."

"Listen you!" she said as she pointed her finger at him. Rishab stared at her finger and then back at her. With that, he slowly started to close on her and Madhu started to walk backward. She quickly glanced at the road but it was all empty.

"Are you crazy Madhu? You know such guys. They can do anything," Madhu thought and she frantically tried to remember about her pepper spray which she left in her cupboard. Rishab moved closer to her but then stopped.

"I don't think I should waste my time on someone like you. I am late today because of you," he snickered. "Hasta la vista, baby." and with that he was gone. 

Rishab reached the class just a few minutes after it began but was lucky enough to miss his lecture on late coming by Mr. Mehra. He was surprised to see Arnav sitting with a girl. So he sat on the front row desk as it was the only one left vacant.

Khushi frantically checked the time, she was getting worried for Madhu. What if she was stuck somewhere? Oh dear God! she should have gone with her. She sighed in relief after fifteen minutes when she saw Madhu running towards the class. 

"Ahh! Miss malik. So nice of you to finally join us," taunted the professor, Mr. Mehra.

"Sorry sir," Madhu replied meekly and shot a I-will-talk-to-you-later  look to Khushi. Rishab whipped his head in her direction to see the girl from the morning. Madhu was panting from running all the way to college.

"Now will you please explain why you were late?" Mr. Mehra continued.

"Sir some freak almost ran his car into me," Madhu blurted out making Rishab flinch at her words. How dare she call him a freak!

"Okay, come and sit with Mr. Kundra," the professor replied while pointing to the seat in front of the class. Madhu looked where he was pointing and was shocked to see the same jerk sitting there. 

Before she could stop herself, she again yelled at him "You!"

"So now that you know each other will you please sit and let me continue my class?" the professor said getting irritated by the intervention during his lecture. Madhu quickly sat beside Rishab and shot a quick glance at Khushi who flashed a faint smile at her. During the whole lecture, Madhu tried to maintain a distance from Rishab. However, he found it amusing and slowly started shifting towards her to annoy her more. 

Madhu noticed this and whispered, "Listen just stay away from me."

"I think you are hallucinating. Look I am well in my territory. And besides, you are not of my level," Rishab scoffed. 

"You ar..." Madhu began to retaliate however they were stopped by the angry voice of the professor, "Stop it both of you!"

"But sir... " both of them started but seemed like Mr. Mehra had enough of their bickering. "Enough! Detention for both of you. Meet me after the break."

"Not with her sir!" Rishab complained.

"Just keep quiet. I will talk to you later," and with that he turned back to teaching. Madhu and Rishab threw daggers at each other whereas both Khushi and Arnav were worried for their friends. 

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