Map Bitch p2

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I was standing in the hallway by the lockers with Missy, Sash, and Harper. News had just gone around that Amerie was the one that made the map, so everyone was getting pissed at her, including me. I saw her walk out of the nurses office and throw a tampon in the bin, then she started walking this way. I heard spider call her a crazy bitch before Harper spotter her and stormed away.

We made a move to follow her but Amerie called out to us "Oi, Sash, Val!" I looked at Sasha and we both stopped turning to face Amerie. "So you've both picked her side"

"Seriously Amerie, you can't just make that map, ruin other peoples lives with it and expect to still have friends, my mums going to kill me because of you, you're fucked" I said not bothering waiting for a reply as I walked away going to find where Missy and Harper ran off too.

I couldn't find where Missy and Harps had gone too but I did find Darren and Quinni again. They got some lunch and we were walking, while Quinni was still trying to ask people what a Lazy Kebab was.

"Uh-uh-uh no, stop asking people that" Darren told her.

"Okay, I still don't understand what it is though" Quinn asked confused, I didn't blame her it's not common slang.

"It means giant flaps" Darren sighed.

"Flaps?" Quinn asked still confused.

"The flaps in your downstairs restaurant Quinni" I told her with a half heart smile.

"Oh! Like those sort of flaps" Quinni asked, I nodded. "Spider hasn't seen them, I mean nobody has"

"Who knows what that incel was thinking, straight men are a mystery to me" Darren said eating their food.

Quinni then stopped us and pointed at Darren "you can look at them for me"

Darren almost choked on his food and I choked on my spit. "What?" they asked swallowing their food.

"My, flaps"

"Deeply, No" Darren said.

"Can you Val" she asked me.

"Quinni, I love you, but no" l said with an apologetic look on my face.

"Okay, but what if they are huge?" Quinn asked.

"Who cares? More room to put things in it" Darren said, I coughed.

Just then our conversation was interrupted by the loud speaker. "Will the following students please meet at classroom 5D, Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Valerie Finnegan, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn-"

"Sounds like a bunch of dickheads" Darren said, I slapped them on the arm and he realised my name was said.

"-Darren Rivers" I laughed at him "Quinn Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggot, Malakai Mitchell" the announcement finished.

"Who the fuck is Malakai" I asked "oh wait he might be the new hot kid"

"We best get going" Darren said packing up their food.


We walked into the class, it was half full. Woodsy and a teacher were standing in the room. The three of us took out seats near the back and waited for class to start.

"Map Bitch" Spider called Amerie as if she were a dog, I turned my attention over to what they were trying to do "Map Bitch!" he whistled at her. He kept trying to call her and once ai realised she wasn't gonna respond I turned back around.

Then Cash walked in, "oi, eshay bah" the three boys called out to him, to which they got the finger in reply, I giggled.
"How was stereo brah" Spider asked, the laughter died down as we waited for the class to start.

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