(]--[ 𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝟯 ]--[)

27 6 18

Everyone has joined once again for SESSION 3...

🟫: *grabs some water buckets from his chests*

🧡🎎: Mono?

🟫: !!

Mono got scared by Doll everytime she was behind him.. But he set it aside and slowly waved to her..

🧡🎎: What are you doing with those water buckets?

🟫: *He pointed to a Lava Pool in the distance, claiming that he needs obsidian to build a nether portal*

🧡🎎: Oh.. Are you gonna make a Nether Portal for us?

🟫: *nods*

🧡🎎: Oh okay.. I'll let you do that.. I'm gonna go explore a bit.. Goodbye, Mono.

🟫: *waves goodbye and went down, passed the village, and finally to the lava pool*

Mono poured the Water Bucket and quickly scooped the water back up.. and after that, He grabbed his diamonds and sticks to make a Diamond Pickaxe, and breaks the obsidian..


💜: Hello, hello alliance!

💛😄: Hellooo!!

💀🎺: heya, are we gonna go to mono and doll for some bookcases now?

💜: Well, were about to! But first... Where's Spongy?

💀🎺: well, he's in his double-house decorating.. let's leave him alone for a while.

💜: Oh, alright! I guess, let's go guys!

💛😄: Alright!

💀🎺: ok.

Uzi, N and Sans went to the already looted village to try and find Mono and Doll.. But they didn't find the both of them..

💜: Huh? Where are they? I swear they were here...

💛😄: Look, guys! There's two houses on top of that mountain! Maybe that's where they live!

💜: Oh, alright! let's go!

💀🎺: ok, but we might take fall damage if we make one wrong move..

💜: Then let's be more careful of climbing the mountain.


Uzi and the others managed to make it without falling.. and after that, They were trying to find the both of them.. But Doll was the only person they found.. but not Mono..

💜: Hi, Doll! Long time no see!

🧡🎎: Oh, Hello Uzi.

💜: Hi! So.. Have you seen Mono?

🧡🎎: Mono is currently getting obsidian from that lava pool over there to make a nether portal.

💀🎺: wait, he's going to the nether already?

-{ 𝑳𝑰𝑭𝑬 𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑭𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺 }-Where stories live. Discover now