Jealous girl - Chiyeon

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Requested by unknownphysic4y

"Let's go on date"
That were the first words Ahyeon spoke to Chiquita today, startling her.
"I will be at yours by 6, wear something casual", She instructed the younger girl and winked.


"I don't what to wear", Chiquita whined to Rora. She asked for her older friends help to pick her outfit. But to no ones surprise Rora wasn't very fond of helping a stressed girl picking out an outfit when she had gave her opinion about it one hour ago.

"Like I said, just wear a baggy Jeans and a pretty crop top", Rora repeated and rolled her eyes.

"But I want to make her possessive over me, like I'm the only one for her! I want to look like a goddamn snack without looking like I'm trying to hard", Chiquita rambled.

"Canny, if we're being honest, you always look good. And Ahyeon is the most jealous and possessive person I know. You shouldn't worry to much!", Rora reassured her friend and walked over to the closet. When she came back she held up a cute baby blue skirt and a white crop top with blue flowers.
The she walked over to the jackets and picked a white jeans jacket.

"Here, if you go for a innocent vibe instead of the cool one you'll drive her crazy", Rora smiled a pushed the cloths in Chiquita's hands: "Now go get your girl".


Chiquita could practically feel Ahyeon's gaze follow her with every step she took. It burned like fire on her skin. A fire that can't be put out. She craved for more. For more attention, for more of this feeling. She wanted to feel wanted.

She took a few steps further and softly kissed Ahyeon cheek.
"Am I on time?", she asked softly biting her lip.

Again she could feel Ahyeon's gaze shift to her lips. She could see Ahyeon's dry gulp. She loved everything about it.

"You look gorgeous", Ahyeon complimented her with a slightly shaky voice.

Chiquita smirked: "Thank you! Rora also couldn't stop complimenting me."

Ahyeon's lip twitched slightly but she caught herself and smiled: "You look very pretty! We should go, I bought tickets for an amusement park ".


"Please, just one last time", Chiquita begged. She had been trying to convince Ahyeon to ride the roller coaster with her again for five minutes.
She thought about Rora's words. Ahyeon was the most possessive person for her. She wanted to bring this site to light.

"But then again...I could just asked this nice guy over there. He keeps looking at me, I'm sure that he's also confused why you don't want to ride the rollercoaster again!", Chiquita tried to make her voice sound as innocent as possible.

Immediately Ahyeon's gaze snapped towards the guy Chiquita talked about.
Seconds later the younger one could feel the black haired girls arm around her waist.
"You're right, we should ride the rollercoaster again", Ahyeon pressed out.

Chiquita grinned happily.


"Ahyeonnie, I'm hungry", Chiquita clang to her older members Arm.

"Let's eat something then, cherry", Ahyeon smiled fondly: "what do wanna eat? Something sweet?".

Chiquita made big eyes: "Can we eat cotton candy?".

"Yeah, sure. Anything my baby wants", The other girl replied and took Chiquita's hand in hers.
Both of their hearts started running a marathon.

Hand in hand they walked to the nearest cotton candy stand.
"One cotton candy, please", Ahyeon asked the nice lady and paid.

Together the Strolled to the next bench an sat down next to eachother in peace.
Or they thought they were in peace until the same guy as before slowly approached them. His gaze was fixed on Chiquita which didn't go unnoticed by Ahyeon.

"Uhmm Hey? I'm jihoon. I wanted to ask if I could get your number, sexy", he smirked and let his gaze glide over Chiquita's body.

That was Ahyeon's breaking point.

"Who do you even think you are? If you ever dare to talk to my girlfriend again I will personally Slender and Torture you. Painfully slow and then I will feed your organs to the goose and chop of your head and put it at my desk!", Ahyeon snapped and looked at the guy with dangerous, angered eyes. She could feel the guy getting smaller and smaller.

"Got it?", Ahyeon hissed. He nodded and ran away fast.

Chiquita made big eyes. She has never seen Ahyeon get that angered. Ahyeon was only ever soft to her.

A possessive, angry Ahyeon was undoubtedly hot.

"Are you okay?", Ahyeon asked her tone warm and soft. Chiquita nodded.

 "You're hot", she blurred out.

Ahyeon chuckled: "Only for you!", she softly grabbed Chiquita and pulled her closer.
"I won't let others have what's mine!", she grabbed the youngers face and peck her lips.

"Mine", Ahyeon claimed.

"Yours forever", Chiquita answered truthfully.


Well i hope you liked it. Sry about all the mistakes, I'm tired 😅

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