Chapter 4

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We get into the car and as soon as he turns it on a familiar grumble filled my ears which made me smile.

The bar was only 10 minutes down the road, we probably could have walked, but Dean is to much of a protective psycho to leave his car alone in a parking lot and not be in some perimeter of it.

The windows were down and the wind blew through my damp hair. I looked over at Dean and watched him as his fingers padded against the steering wheel to the song playing through the car. I smiled to myself and looked out the window once more.

Arrived at the bar

Dean pulled into a parking space and we both got out of the car, slamming the doors behind us.

I quickly followed behind Dean as we walked into the bar, it wasn't decorated for Valentine's Day but it was definitely filled with desperate single people, there was a group of men near the karaoke machine singing their hearts out.

Due to my hunters instinct I continued to look around the crowded room. Near the karaoke men there was a group of girls, seemed like a friend group in their maybe early 20's, I scanned their faces because I knew atleast one of them, maybe more you never know, would be coming home with Dean.

I didn't really want to hook up with anyone tonight but I still kept my options open, I just planned to get drunk and have the best sleep of my life.

I continued to follow behind Dean and we both sat down on bar stools infront of the bar.

Dean had called over the bartender and ordered us 5 tequila shots each, yep...he was definitely trying to kill me. He gave the bartender a flirty smile and thanked her as she walked away.

"Dean? Are you trying to give me alcohol poisoning, you have to remember my tolerance isn't as good as yours." I let out a small laugh and looked at him,
"You'll be fine El don't worry." I roll my eyes as he patted me on my back.
"Yeah whatever." I mutter under my breath.

The bartender makes her way back over and places our drinks down, I thank her with a small smile and she gives me a nod in return before turning to Dean with a wink as she glided her hand up his arm before walking away.

I let out a laugh and look at Dean once I take one shot.
"She's pretty" I say genuinely, I watched as she walked away and admired the way her tan skin glistened under to shitty bar lights, she was gorgeous. Her curly hair and brown eyes were stunning.

"Eh not my type." Dean shrugs as he downed his 2nd shot. I roll my eyes and take down another shot.

Dean and I sat there talking.

"When's your dad coming back?" I asked with curiosity. He shrugs. "Well what hunt did he say he was going on? Should we be worried?" Concern filled my voice.

"El I'm sure he's fine for fuck sake, he leaves and goes all the time." His voice was filled with slight anger and maybe even worry but I didn't decide to pick him up on it. I just muttered "okay sorry" under my breath as I watched him finish his last shot.

I placed my third shot on my lips and allowed the burning liquid to run down my throat. Dean had already got up and left to try and find his prey for the night, so I just sat here admiring the people around me.

1 hour later

I had finally finished all my shots atleast 10 minutes ago but I decided to order more, why? I don't know. I just felt like getting drunk.

My eyes shifted over to find Dean sitting in a booth with his hand around a blonde girls shoulder. She had long blonde hair and heavy makeup on, her eyes were brown and she had a beautiful smile.

Deans eyes met mine and he gave me a smirk while also giving me a thumbs up, I laughed and turned my head away as I took another shot.

A man later slowly approached me and sat down beside me, I turned my head over to look at him.

"Can I help you?" My speech was slow and slurred due to my alcohol intake. He said nothing. "Are you deaf or something?" My voice slightly raised as I sipped my drink.

"Aren't you a pretty girl." The man's fingers brushed against my knee and my eyes shifted down to look at them. I would usually swat him away but something inside me stopped me.

Fear overcame me, it was like I was frozen in place so...I said nothing.
"These jeans are a little tight don't you think...clinging to every inch of you." He looked up at me with lust and desire in his eyes, with blurry vision I looked at him confused.

The man's dark eyes began to move, his balding hair became faint and seemed further away, did he drug me? I look at him and back down at my drink.
"What did you do?" My voice was shaky as i slowly lost my vision, "Dont be scared, everything will be fine" a disgusting smirk covered his lips and my head fell forward into his chest. He began to stand up and hooked his arm around my shoulder stabling me.

I tried to scream or hit him or something, but nothing was working, my feet were barely moving and he was walking me out the bar.

The Broken And The Damaged. (Dean Winchester love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora