Chapter 1

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31st of January 1994
Eliana's POV

The wind was howling as I sat there holding myself in my arms. My parents screams were so unfamiliar, the pain and sorrow.

I could hear their voices slipping away as fast paced boots ran towards them. I didn't know who they were i just knew my parents weren't okay.

My parents told me to hide in the coat closet and to not make one noise, not even to breathe too loud.
The house was full of emotions and voices, so many voices and all i could do was sit there and silently scream.

What feels like hours of screams, the house finally fell silent. There was no screams, no boots smashing upon our wooden floor, not even the familiar cricket singing outside our kitchen window. It was just...Silence.

I lifted up my head from my knees and placed my ear softly on the door next to me, praying and begging to hear one sound of hope that they were okay.

I sat there...waiting, but nothing came.

I fell back onto a familiar wall behind me and sobbed, i was alone. What happened? Why did these people hurt my mom and dad? Was it my fault? Questions raced in my head, it was overwhelming.

With puffy red eyes and wet hair i finally couldn't cry anymore, i just sat there staring at the wall in front of me. With my ears ringing from the unliked silence, i heard a click and the sound of feet shuffling against the floor board. My heart dropped.

The rusted gold handle turned slowly as my breath hitched as i covered my mouth with my hands trying to stay silent.

My eyes watched with fear as i followed it turn clockwise. The door opened and a draft blew in and stung my teary face. I didn't want to look, i was scared but i had hope, i hoped that it was my parents, or even myself waking me up in a dream. So I looked up at the figure standing before me.

I didn't recognise him, He had black scruffy hair with some grey strands and a stubbly beard, i couldn't tell how old he was but all i could notice was the bloody clothes and a machete that hung heavy in his left hand. Was i going to die?

"Are you okay?" His voice was deep and cold, i couldn't sense any empathy but he felt safe. I looked up at him and nodded.
The man let out a relieved breath and held his hand out hoping i would take it.
"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." This time his voice was softer.

The only thoughts running through my head where if my parents where okay. With my eyes still locked to his it seemed like he read my mind.

"I'm sorry they didn't make it." He looked away from me.
"But i killed the son of a bitch who killed them." He smirked proudly at himself.

"I'm John." He paused, "Winchester, John Winchester." he added as he pulled me up. My voice was shaky but i managed to get words out, quietly. But i still managed to. "Eliana" I whispered looking up at the tall man before me.

"But please call me Ellie." My voice got stronger as a sense of safety washed over me as he smiled at me speaking up.

I stood up from my hiding spot and walked out into my childhood house.

There was blood everywhere, it seemed to creep up onto the floorboards and even some on the ceiling, my eyes darted around the room and looked at my home in horror.

I couldn't cry anymore, but i wish i could. How was i able to stand here numb? How was i able to look at my parents body and not be fazed by the fact that i am now completely and utterly alone?

John had turned to me and told me to grab a bag because i would be staying with him for a while until i found a place to stay, which would obviously be hard considering i'm only 13, but i appreciated the gesture. So i gave him a soft but sad smile and walked up my stairs for the final time to my room.

I entered my room and it was so clean compared to the rest of the house. It was untouched. My bed was messy, my clothes were on the floor. It was like it was frozen in time and the rest of the house got destroyed in the war.

I made my way down my stairs for the last time and ran my free hand along the railing taking in every last groove. I saw John standing near the front door on the phone, it sounded as if he was barking orders at someone, but i didn't want to question, i just made my presence known with a small cough and the sound of my bag being flung across my shoulder.

John said his goodbyes on the phone and gave me a small nod as we made our way to the parked car out the front.

The car was beautiful, i didn't know a lot about cars, but i knew a beautiful thing when i saw it.

The Broken And The Damaged. (Dean Winchester love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu