G.Bonnie: I saw her one time...she was wearing this...white rabbit mask, I don't know what for, but that mask somewhat has to do with mind controlling the others, trust me, I've seen it on my own eyes...whatever she does with them...it doesn't end well.

Cassie: No way...even...Roxy??

G.Bonnie: Roxy, Chica, and Monty..almost all of us...well, except for me, and Freddy, but, Freddy's too innocent for that, guess the security guard didn't want nothing from him at all.

Cassie: Oh no.! So...dad! Back there what they said, they mentioned "the white rabbit"! So it is true.

(YN): Which means she's going after Gregory then!

G.Bonnie: ...I can help you both.

(YN): What?

Cassie: Wait, really??

G.Bonnie: I know I can't move at all, but...there is one way for me to stay active, so please...I beg of you two, help me, I suffered too much, and can't take it...I just want out of here...I wanna see my friends, take down the white rabbit...and be free.

(YN): ....

Cassie: Dad, we are gonna help him, right??

(YN): ...What do we need to do?

Cassie: Yes!!

G.Bonnie: Excellent! First, you need to chop my head off.

Cassie: Wait what?

G.Bonnie: I know it sounds dumb, but if I remember correctly, around here this room specifically, there should be a working bench with some tools. Use them so you fix me up and be able to stay active with only my head, shouldn't be difficult to do so. Just pry some wires and little bit of screws and vuala. A talking animatronic head. Dont worry, there should be a guide book on fixing the animatronic.

(YN): ...You better hope you're right.

G.Bonnie: I'm certain.

Cassie: Oh I can't watch.

Cassie turns around as (YN) approaches to Bonnie pulling his axe out...

G.Bonnie: Okay, just be gentle-

(YN) without hesitation chops his head off...

G.Bonnie: Ow! I saaaiiiiid.......

With Bonnie head off, he was turned off as (YN) grabs his head...

Cassie: He said be gentle.

(YN): I was gentle.

Cassie: Oh were you?

(YN): ......maybe. Anyways, there's a work bench over there. Let's just hope there's tools there.

They both head over to the table while holding Bonnie's head. As they arrive and (YN) placing his head on the table, he looks through the table and found some tools and turns on the lamp on the working bench...

Cassie: Cool, guess there were tools.

(YN): Yea, let's make it quick-

Suddenly, the lights suddenly went out...

Cassie: The lights went out??

(YN): Strange...

Cassie: Oh! Wait.

Cassie pulls out her Roxy toy figure, and yet turn on a button and lights from her eye shine out...

(YN): It lights up?

Cassie: Yup!

(YN): ...Now I see why it costed me $60. Anyways, keep it on towards me, see if I can fix him up quickly.

Minutes pass by, and yet the lights went back on...

Cassie: Oh! Lights are back.

(YN): Good, and I just finished, had to fix the chip on its head. So let's see it works.

Cassie: I hope.

(YN): ..............

Cassie: ...Dad??

(YN): ...There's no power button.

Cassie: What?? So, how is he able to wake up then??

(YN): I-I don't know, he never mentioned anything about turning him on with a button. Let me check.

(YN) grabs Bonnie's head and started observing it to look for anything to get Bonnie to wake up/active...

(YN): How the hell-

G.Bonnie: Boo!

(YN): Jesus!

G.Bonnie: Haha! Gotcha! That's for not being gentle with me. So I had to get you back and-

(YN) pulls his axe out...

G.Bonnie: ....Im sorry.

(YN): *grunts*

Cassie: Bonnie! It worked!

G.Bonnie: You betcha! Man, feels weird not having my body, but I'm glad it's over.

(YN): Now that it's done, let's go get Gregory back.

Cassie: Right! ...But uh, how are we...gonna keep Bonnie? Are you gonna hold onto him the entire time???

(YN): ...I got it.

(YN) looks through around and to find a small cut rope, ties it up behind Bonnie's head and to tie it up attach from his scabbard, hanging him around his waste...

(YN): Problem solved.

G.Bonnie: I mean...this could work I guess. But anyways! Let us not waste time, let's go find your son.

Cassie: Yeah!

And now, with Bonnie joining the quest to find Gregory, (YN) and Cassie walk out the room and to find a way out from the basement and to continue their search for Gregory.


(To be continued)
(Book on hold)

FNAF:SB: Lockdown (Sequel) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now