Chapter I: Breathe child, breathe.

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I struggled as I was pulled to the water. Something was pushing me in... then, splash, my body was underwater... I kicked and kicked, but despite my futile efforts, My body didn't go up... then, I felt something grab me. It was... fluffy? I then emerged and saw my furry saviour. It looked like a wolf, an aqua wolf with gorgeous aquamarine eyes. The wolf had a height of roughly 3'5 or so, about the size of a mature wolf. "Breathe Child. breathe." I heard it whisper, and then she chanted something, maybe a spell? "Oceanous's breath, lift into this child."

 Then, a gust of air rapidly went down my throat. The wolf just spoke. Didn't it? I thought, hoping I was hallucinating. But it wasn't my overactive imagination. The wolf was real. The wolf then nudged me as if seeing if I was awake. "Holy-" I tried to say, but the wolf cut me off, "Save your breath please, it is precious." replacing the words I would say. "I guess we didn't get a proper introduction from all that chaos, I'm Aquamarine, and you are?" she asked, "Maria, that's my name, and it's nice to meet you, Aquamarine," I responded, trying to treat the wolf as if it was human. But I couldn't control my mouth, "How can you do magic and speak?" I asked unwittingly. "I am not your average wolf. I am a gemstone wolf, an elite group of warriors who can wield the elements to keep harmony and balance in the world. My element is water, but you should see what the others can do." she calmly replied. "Wow, that seems amazing," I reply. "A gift and a curse, mainly a curse these times due to Obsidian

 Amethyst's sister, Obsidian, can control minds and is psychic, but she has lost her gem status because she was found to be working for both sides. She is now a broken gem, the in-between of a normal wolf and an all-powerful gem wolf. Then, the peace was broken. A dark blue wolf came rushing in, "Aquamarine, there's trouble in the nearby forest. it must be Obsidian!" "Tell the others I will get right on it, sister." Aquamarine Calmy states. "Ok, Aquamarine." The wolf I now know as Sapphire replied. Then, as quickly as the kind wolf arrived at my rescue, she left to address whatever situation was happening in the forest. Against my better judgment, I followed them into a conflict I probably shouldn't have delved into, but it had pros and cons. Little did I know my world would be changed.

The Gemstone Wolves: Book I:  Aquamarine.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora