NCT US: Idol Wars

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Melayna: Guys, BTS! We know those BTSers! They have BTS bops.

Priyanshi: Frfr.

Ethan: On Skibidi.

Next thing they know, the classroom door bursts open. All of a sudden, all of the BTS kids are standing in the doorway. Priyanshi, Melayna, and Lizzie are all speechless.

Jungkook: Hey, Eric.

Coach Leiden: Hey, Jungkook! I'm your number one fan!

Jimin: Oh, we know.

Jungkook: But we're here for some of your star seminar students!

Coach Leiden, positively beaming: They are the best of the best after all.

Jimin: Priyanshi!

Priyanshi looks up and is SHOOKED. Wowzers!

Priyanshi to Melayna: He knows my name! And pronounced it right!

Jungkook: Melayna!

Melayna to Priyanshi: He knows my name, too.

Dylan, who hasn't talked for like a minute or two: What a good day for names.

Jimin: We heard you two sing and-

Jungkook, interrupting: We want you to join us!

Priyanshi: Okay!

Melayna: Sure, if I don't have to do my IWA!

Coach Leiden, nodding: I'll allow it.

Priyanshi: But wait, how did you hear us sing?

Jimin: Melayna posted a Little M&M video online.

Jungkook, butting in again: And, for the record, we did not care for that Kanye West stuff.

Jimin, a little annoyed at Jungkook: But you were also there!

Jungkook: And we were just enchanted by your angelic voices.

Dylan, giving side eye: "Angelic."

Jimin: Especially yours, Priyanshi. You must have had professional singing lessons.

Melayna: Wait so we're gonna move to South Korea? With you guys?

Jimin: Yup!

Priyanshi: Forget being a doctor, I'm gonna be a K-Pop idol. Where do we sign?

Some random lawyer guy just walks in and mumbles some legal stuff while he gives them contract stuff.

Lawyer Man: You will join the boys in Korea at once to be in a new BTS song!

Melayna: But what about our lives here?

Dylan: Yeah, what about me?

Lawyer Man: You can bring your friends, but we must go at once!

Coach Leiden: Take me with you, my Jungcookie!!

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