Ranmaru shook his head. "No it doesn't kid."

"A non-meat meal that's four letters?" Ai said in question

"I'mma guess a letter A?" Reina inquired

Ranmaru nodded his head as he placed an 'a' at the end of the word

Reina got up excitedly "Soba!"

Ranmaru grinned and nodded his head. "Good guess. What did Masato tell you?"

"He said that even though you like meat meals that you wouldn't chose something that I couldn't figure out. That it was possibly a meal that was common." Reina said with a smile

"Ahn, that explains your question."

"That was a good deduction Reirei" Reiji said happily

She smiled bashfully at the elder male. "Thankies Senpai" She said before she looked at Ranmaru. "Kurosaki senpai what game do you have in mind?"

"The game I'd like to show you I learnt from the states when I used to live there for a short period of time." Ranmaru stated as he erased the board 

"Okay? I had no idea that you even left Japan...that's interesting to know about."

"Yeah-it's why my English is better than most of those in Japan. I had to learn the language to be able to communicate with people." Ranmaru said with a nod of his head "The game that I figured you'd enjoy learning how to play is called slap jack."

Ren and Masato brought out the table they used for card games with a deck on it before Masato went up to Reina letting her know that while she is playing the card game that Ren and him were going to be making dinner and be bringing it out. She nodded her head with a smile before Masato left for the kitchen. 

Ranmaru then shuffled the deck in a way that Reina hadn't seen before and placed her hands on the table in shock. "How'd you do that senpai?!"

"How did I do what?" Ranmaru asked confused

"I believe she is asking about how you're shuffling the deck. From deducting how she shuffled the deck once I can confirm she doesn't know how to properly shuffle a deck." Ai stated

Ranmaru looked at Reina "You really were sheltered huh kid?"

She nodded her head. "Mhm."

Ranmaru half the deck and gave it to her to try to do what he had done. He showed her step by step which she followed to the cue as she tried her best to focus on what he was telling her to do. It took her a few tries before her pink eyes lit up as she managed to do the same thing he had done. "I did it!" She said happily

"Took you a bit though." Reiji said with a smile

"It ain't easy for someone with small frail hands like hers. This deck is pretty big compared to regular decks." Ranmaru stated before he held his hand out to Reina "Can I see that half please?"

"Mhm sure!"

She gave it back before he shuffled it into what he had done before he served out all of the cards between the four of them. Once they had the cards he picked up his small pile of thirteen cards before he explained how they played the game. The object of the game was to get the entire deck by slapping the four jack cards. Nothing else mattered but the jack cards. Those that were out weren't completely out until every card was in one persons hand. Hearing that Reina was zoned into playing the game. 

She flipped her cards over and she ended up slapping the jacks twice before the males could. It soon came down to Ai and her as Ren and Masato came out with their dinner. Both Ai and Reina were so engrossed into the game that they didn't even see their dinner beside them until Ai ended up having all of the cards due to Reina having one jack card and him slapping it before she could. 

Restless mind, Empty heart [Masato Hijirikawa Love story] Uta No Prince SamaWhere stories live. Discover now