Chapter 17/Principal the betrayer.

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The person's blood boiled. "What happened Felix?" Jimin said teasingly. "What do you think happened!?" Felix said in anger. "Did Jungkook survived? Probably not." Felix said. "Yes he did, but he will be in coma for 7 months. And Felix do you know you are sounding like you wanted him dead." Jimin said suspiciously.

"Wha-What.. Ofcourse not!' Felix said as he tried to go back to his desk. "Well.. Something is not right, I don't think it's a su!c!de because Jungkook was happy..He didn't have any problems. It's a attempt to murder..cause he was stabbed..We could see by looking! But who? Maybe iam just overthinking.." Jimin thought as sighed. Soon the professor came and started teaching.

Meanwhile with Tae-

Tae took a leave for a month. The principal understood the situation and gave him 7 months but Tae thought it could affect the students studies so he thought to take only 1 month leave.

Right now, Tae was in the hospital with Jungkook. His love was pure. Tae used to visit him every single day. He caught Jungkook's hand and kissed it. "I love you so much, kook".

"Please recover soon... and bring my old cheerful and naughty kookie. Not a quiet lifeless looking body.." Tae chuckled a bit. (Did you know people can still hear what others are saying in coma also!) He stayed there until the university finished. Yoongi and Jimin came to the hospital after 2-3 hours. They saw Tae sleeping on Jungkook's hand.

"Poor boy.." Yoongi said. "Scary Cat!- I meant cat- No no-" Jimin got cut off by a smack. "Now iam a cat huh? Then you are a small chick" Yoongi said. they both looked at eachother and laughed. "Okay okay, now what were you saying?" Yoongi asked. "Well, My lovely scary cat.. Do you think we can see the CCTV footage of that day?" Jimin said. "I don't know..Maybe we can, love." Yoongi said as Jimin chuckled when he called him "love".

"Oh hyung is waking up!"(he also calls him Hyung) Jimin said as Yoongi looked at Tae. "Hyung, Jimin? When did you guys came?" He asked. "Oh we came couple of minutes ago." Yoongi said. He went towards Tae and said. "Don't worry alot, Doctor said he is out of danger naa. Only 6 months more to go..Get sleep too." Tae nodded. He just looked at Jungkook.

"Well, Can I say something?" Jimin asked. "Yeah sure, Darling." Jimin blushed. "I think it was definitely not a su!c!de! Because if he had any problems he would definitely come to me. I kinda think it was a attempt to murder." Jimin said. "That's why you wanted to see the CCTV footage. But I think it's not murder. But if you think so okay." Yoongi said.

They stayed their for 4 hours. Then it was night already so they had to leave. "Tae you also come home with us. We can't leave you here. You will stay here for all night." Yoongi said as he took Tae with him. He made Tae sleep somehow.

Next morning.

At the university. Jimin and Yoongi went to the principal office and asked to see the CCTV footage. The principal let them see it. As expected..It was a attempt to murder.

"Oh my gosh!" Mr.Kand gasped.  "We have to call the police." Yoongi said. "I will call the police, you guys can go." Mr.kang said. As they both went out but Yoongi didn't felt right. So he tried to hear Mr.Kang.

"Ugh! Felix! Jungkook didn't die! You are so useless. I want him dead by the evening. Do you understand! I have to kill him to get my revenge. *Smirk* Now Jeon have to come outside. He snatched the love of my life!" Mr.Kanh said as he cut the phone. Yoongi recorded all of it and left. He called the police. They arrived in a couple of minutes.

"Sir. Look at this video." Yoongi showed the video. "Gosh..A principal making student murder someone?" One of the officer said. "We have enough proof to arrest them." Another officer said as Yoongi took him to the class where Felix was.

"Felix, come here" Yoongi said. Felix hesitantly came. The officer immediately arrested him and went to the principal office and arrested Mr.Kang.

"Hey! Why-" Before he could say anything he got a hard slap enough to make him see stars😂. It was Yoongi ofcourse.

"how dare you!" Mr.kand shouted. "Why would wanna murder my brother! Iam happy you will be gone so that my brother will be safe." Yoongi shouted. Mr.Kang smirked and started laughing like a psycho making everyone confused. "Your brother is not safe yet. Iam the boss..Someone else is." He said will pure evilness.

"You did a big mistake by telling us that there is a boss too." The officer said as he laughed. Mr.Kang started laughing again. "You think I will tell you about him? No! If I did He will kill me! And there's no chance that you will catch her. She could be anyone, anywhere. She could even be in this school. Or even I'm your house! Yoongi..She could be your relative too.." Mr.Kang said. "My relative?..." Yoongi thought..

Meanwhile with Tae

Tae was in the hospital as expected. He was talking with Jungkook. After awhile a doctor entered. "You must be Kim Taehyung, Husband of  Jung Jungkook?" The doctor said. "Uhmm..You mean Kim Jungkook?" Tae said. "Uhm..Iam pretty sure it's Jung Jungkook.." The doctor said.  "Is there a patient called Kim Jungkook?" Tae asked. The doctor nodded. "Iam the husband of Kim Jungkook Not Jung Jungkook." Tae said. "Oh there must be a misunderstanding the nurse had. Sorry about that. I think the doctor said he will be in coma for 7 months, right? *Tae nods* Actually he will be in coma for 2-3 months." The doctor said as he left. Tae smiled brightly.

After 3 hours

Yoonmin entered. "Hyung! There is a good news! The doctors had an misunderstanding! He is in coma for 2-3 months! Not 7 months." Tae said. Yoonmin nodded happily. "Uhm..Tae..We wanna tell you that it was actually a murder!" Yoongi said. "It was! WHO DID IT?" Tae shouted. "Felix and Mr.Kang. but there's a boss too. Mr.Kang said She's my relative.."

To be continued....

More twists are coming...Stay turned...

Okay! Guys...I know it's not that "mysterious" but still. I gave my Best!!. Well the boss is gonna be someone you won't expect. Guess who it is? They were mentioned in the chapters...

Words- 1111

Okayy guysss 20+ votes and 10+ comments. I need atleast one completed then only I will update!

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