New Friend?

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Words : 2,300+

Katakuri POV

He was on his way back to his room after a training session, hoping Whiteout hadn't trashed his entire room.

When he stepped inside, he was surprised to see Whiteout in the center of his doughnut rug, sleeping peacefully, while his wardrobe doors were open and his action figured were moved and scattered.

The hell did she do?!

He walked over to his bed where there was a pile of his Godzilla ones, frowning at the sight.

I can tell which ones she liked most. Not in a good way.

He walked over to the sleeping Whiteout and kicked her in the back, causing her to wake up with a hiss.

"Mind explaining to me why you decided to break a hole through my closet door and mess with my stuff?" Katakuri questioned, his voice dripping with frustration as he crossed his arms.

"I-uh-... Did you really expect me of all people to sit in a closet for hours on end?"

"Yes! How hard can it be?!"

She could've just slept in the closet if she was that bored!

"If you broke one, I will throw you back in that stone room. I don't care if Brulee thinks it's mean or too harsh."

"I don't think I broke any...?" Whiteout said, but it was more of a question.

He walked over to the bed and picked one up, frowning when he saw a few of the limbs disconnected from the action figure's socket.

Doesn't mean it's broken though. I'll let it slide this time.

He popped it back in place and set it on it's rightful place on his shelf before doing the same to the rest in the pile.

None broken. The overgrown lizard got lucky.

"I'll let it slide this time, but don't pull this again, alright? If I come back tomorrow or any day in general and my room is trashed, I'll immediately assume you're to blame."

"Let's go outside."


That was so off topic.

"I said lets go outside."

"Why? No. No, you're going to help me clean the mess you made."

"But I wanna go run around in the foresstttttt." She whined, standing up.

"I don't care if you want to go on stupid adventures, you will have me clean this up." He said, crossing his arms.

"There's not even much to clean up, you do it!"

"Yeah, but you caused it!"

"You locked me up in the closet!"

"You WILL clean everything up while I figure out how to get a new closet door, whether you like it or not." Katakuri said, raising his voice.

Whiteout didn't say anything else and stood up, walking over to his wardrobe and putting all the clothes back. She was grumbling something in a different language, but Katakuri couldn't care less.

Meanwhile, Katakuri took out his phone and messaged the repair team that he needed a new closet door.

Once that was all taken care of, he turned to Whiteout, who was sitting on the ground looking bored.

She didn't put my clothes away correctly, didn't she?

He walked over to the wardrobe and opened it, furrowing his eyebrows in frustration when some clothes fell out.

From A Myth To Reality (Katakuri x Whiteout)Where stories live. Discover now