Question: Do you think you will be working with HEAVENS just like STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT have?

Reina hummed out in thought for a moment before she spoke up. "Honestly, I dunno. Those who I have met have been rather two-faced. I must admit the whole reason I've even had to make a relationship public is because those from HEAVENS wanted to take me from here and be where they are instead. Yes I do love Masato, Yes I do love being where I am-I'd never trade that for anything. But for me to work with those from HEAVENS, they need to stop being so sour losing one weak game by me. I'm not that special. I can assure all of you that I'm far from that."

Question: Are you an idol because your mother was?

Reina stared at the screen for a moment before she let out a sigh. "I'd like to be honest here...I never knew who my mother was. The family that took me in weren't all that outwardly about who my parents were when I grew up. Mainly because of how I grew up, I literally had to raise myself. It wasn't until two weeks ago I knew who my parents were and why I wasn't raised by them. My mother was murdered and my father killed himself after the fact due to his love and devotion to her. I never knew my mother was an idol until  became an idol and my god father told me who my parents were. I then went searching online for videos and music about my mother. It's how I knew the woman who was beside me on the twenty-fifth was a fake. I became an idol because I love singing and making people happy. What better way to do both but to be an idol?"

Reina then got up as she shut her laptop. "That'll be the last question I'll take. Now I'll be singing a song that was written by my beloved boyfriend Masato and Jinguji senpai. Since they performed songs that I wrote, they thought it was merely fair that I sang something they wrote. Which I was all for. So please enjoy the last song that will be released this year." She said slightly cheeky like

As Reina sang and moved her body she kept her eyes on the camera instead of on the eyes of Ren and Masato who were watching her from the side. Once she finished she stayed on the ground as she panted out a bit. She was silent for a moment as she looked down. 

"I have to say I didn't think that today that I'd be so upset like I am right now. I know it hasn't been said aloud but Luna Wuu...he's gone. I was able to see him before his passing. When there was a gathering for grieving, in the room that should have been mine...I...I managed to find a present that had my name on it." Reina spoke sadly

Masato came into frame with the present as he sat by her to give her moral support and comfort which he knew she needed. She leaned against Masato as she placed her hands on the box. "This said to open on my I've waited. Each night I look at this box with grief knowing that he wouldn't be around to see me open this. I wish to point out that before today...I've never once celebrated my birthday. It is why before the question was asked was never written. Luna Kiya and Kayla never cared about my birthday-I wasn't cared for by either heartless women."

Masato just held onto her, comforting her the best that he could without a word. Reina shut her eyes for a moment as she took a deep breath. "I want to pre-apologize for how emotional I may become opening this gift." She said before she opened her eyes and sat up properly 

She unwrapped the gift and she teared up seeing that the gift that he had given her was a large photo album of pictures of her parents and of when she was younger, and on top of the photo albums was a plush black cat. One she had been staring at for years. She grabbed the plush cat and hugged it tightly only to began to cry as she smelled the plush. " smells like my god father."

Masato hugged her tightly as he petted the back of her head softly, she sobbed out against his chest as she held onto his shirt tightly. "M-Masato...T-Thank you." She spoke through her tears

"I'll always be here for you." He spoke softly to her

She nodded her head as she looked up at him with a sad smile. "I...I'm happy that you are here with me today Masato."

He slipped her glasses off of her face as he wiped the tears from her face before he kissed her cheek softly and he carefully placed her glasses back on her face. "I'm happy to be here with you as well. I'll be back later okay?"

She nodded her head. "Okay. T-Thank you again Masato."

Reina hugged the plush cat as she showed the books. "I got this plush cat and two photo albums from my god father. One holds pictures of my parents-the other pictures of me as a child growing up. If people want to see the baby and child pics of me let me know and I'll see what I can do about placing them online for everyone to see." She said before she got up with the books and plush cat. 

Ren got her attention which made her look at him with a smile "Oh...thanks senpai."

She walked towards him and he told her that he'd place them in her dorm room. She nodded her head before she erased things off of the white board. 

" seems like the last thing that I'll be doing is playing three different games! That'll be fun and keep my mind off of what just happened. So I'll be playing three games with Kurosaki, Kotobuki and Mikaze Senpai." She said with her hands together. 

As she said their names they came into view of the camera. Reiji went over to her and wrapped his arm around her. "That gift was a kicker wasn't it Rei-rei?" Reiji asked with a smile

"It was." She said with a nod of her head

"You told the three of us that when we went on with you that we had to figure out a game to play is that because you are getting lazy or something else?" Ai asked curiously

"As I've stated on the first day of all of this, I've never played any game before. All of this is new to me. I have no experience playing any games or having all of this is rather new to me. I asked the three of you what I did because I wanted to see just how diverse the three of you are with what games you three would pick."

"I see, here I thought you had gotten a bit lazy. But if it's because you have the lack of knowledge I can't deny it would place a bit of a road block for you Reina." Ai said in thought

"So how are we doing this kid?" Ranmaru asked curiously

"Eldest to youngest, if that's okay?" Reina inquired

The three of them nodded their heads. "Yeah that's more than okay." Reiji said with a grin "For the game that I have in mind I need the white board. Mind if I erase what's on it?"

"Hold up I want to take a picture of what Masato wrote for me first." Reina said with a smile

"Sure-sure." Reiji said with a smile

Reina got her phone and quickly took a picture of the white board before she smiled at Reiji. "Alright, I'm all good here. You can erase it all now."


Restless mind, Empty heart [Masato Hijirikawa Love story] Uta No Prince SamaWhere stories live. Discover now