6 (II)

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"The intended?" You squint at the light of the coils.

"Securing him secures my position as leader. It is random but valuable no matter who it is. He is my intended."

The coil crackles more violently and sparks Tzim Sha who groans and then smiles. He bows at the Doctor who lifts a scowling eyebrow and then teleports, leaving behind a trail of ice on the floor.

The Doctor wastes no time at taking out her screwdriver. "I've locked onto his signal. Considering what he just told us, he's probably teleported to Karl but his appearance will make it difficult to approach him. That gives us time but we need to hurry."

She runs down the stairs and you all follow behind her until you reach the car. She gestures with an arm at Yaz helping Graham who's mumbling about having twisted his ankle.
"Come on driver!"

Yaz drops Graham's arm and opens the car. Within a minute you're turning the corner, the car speeding down the road with the Doctor hitting the back of Yaz's seat animatedly. "Keep going straight, I'll tell you when to turn."

"Yes, I know Doctor!" She says exasperatedly.

The energy of the Doctor makes it so she's practically on top of you as she's wiggling the screwdriver. You feel smothered but say nothing. Instead she turns to you and lifts her eyebrows. "I really forgot how slow the cars in this century are, it spoils my feeling of success."

"Not my fault you decided to stay here Doctor. Maybe you could've been racing down the road in the 23rd century right now, in a much faster car with a much cooler villain. But you're not." You push her knee. She's about to say something but then hits Yaz's seat again.

"Turn again Yaz and we'll be there."

When Yaz stops the car, you're in the entrance of a recycling centre, workers buzzing between cranes, lorries and bin bags despite the sun having already set. You catch a spark in the corner of your eye but refrain from looking at it out of hope that he wasn't already close to abducting Karl.

"He's a crane operator. Of course he is. Look up there, that's him right?"

Graham points at an orange crane on the right and Karl is indeed sat there. The Doctor groans and steps forward.
'Let's split up. We need to evacuate the area, save Karl and also immobilise the coil. That'll get rid of the DNA bombs and stop Tim Shaw from cheating." She looks around.
"Graham and Ryan, you'll evacuate the staff, Yaz and I will immobilise the coil. Y/n, you'll head up to the crane opposite Karl's one with Grace and I'll join you when I've sorted the coil out. Just get on the controls and move the arm around. I should be there by then. If not, try and attract his attention so he can move across, alright?"

Her and Yaz head in the direction of the spark you saw earlier and Ryan drags Graham away, yelling to the workers about an emergency gas check for health and safety.

You and Grace head for the crane. "You have a lot of experience with this stuff then, with the Doctor? Aliens and the like?"

You nod. "Not really with her but in general yeah.
I mean you saw me glowing earlier so..."

She laughs. "Yeah that was quite weird. But it's good you're okay. Both of you. That fall scared me more than that stupid coil did."

She grabs your arm and caresses it with her thumb. "It seems like you know the Doctor well but be careful. Stuff like this shouldn't be seen as normal. Karl could die. We could die."

"It is dangerous," you stop at the foot of the crane, "but The Doctor is experienced. And she's right actually. This shouldn't be normal but it is. It's her normal and it's mine too in a way. Or it was."

Time Agent  [13 x reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora