Chapter 7

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A/N: y'all might hate me for not going all the way with this one, but we gotta work up to it!!

Warning: Angst


Lucifer's POV:

He was falling behind a bit, but he didn't notice until Alastor stopped and waited for him. "S-sorry, I'm just lost in thought right now" he said as he walked faster to catch up, but before he could fully pass him into the other hall, he was pulled to a stop. Alastor grabbed onto his hand and pulled him closer. "What's going on in that mind of yours, hmm?" His voice was relaxing and gentle, two things he never was around Lucifer. He looked up to meet his eyes. "I... um well I just am trying to understand my head. It hurts so much every time I try to figure this out. I don't know what to feel when it comes to, well, comes to any of this." he tried to explain, but felt like he was failing miserably. He looked down at his feet

He flinched when he suddenly felt a gentle hand on his face. He looked back up to notice Alastor holding him gently and brushing his thumb softly over cheek. "You don't need to understand this, whatever "this" is, just be in the moment, and smile" Alastor told him before pulling away and walking to his door. "Now, were you wanting to be alone or would you like some company?" he looked up and nodded "uh, y-yes." He walked into Alastors room quickly before he could change his mind.

The first thing he saw was a tiny radio sitting on his desk. He had noticed it earlier that day but didn't think much of it, but now that he was looking at it, he saw fine little details made in the colors of white, red, and gold. He looked back at Alastor who was walking over "did you make this?" Alastor went and sat at the chair by the desk "indeed so, It's just a little project I've been working on to keep me busy" he watched as Alastor gently picked it up and looked over it. "It looks amazing," he said, walking closer to get a closer look at it. "Why thank you... It was actually going to be a gift to you, to replace your old one" he said, handing it to him. He took it gently and brought it closer, admiring every part of it.

"How did you know I broke mine?" he asked, looking over at Alastor with the radio against his chest. "I saw it shattered on the floor the other night when Charlie asked me to check to see if you were there" he explained as he summoned a block of wood and picked up a chisel from his desk. "Wait, you hand made this? Like from that?" he asked, pointing at the piece of wood in his hand. "Indeed so" Alastor said, not looking up, but his smile seemed to get a little bigger. Lucifer looked back at the radio he had in his hands "wow..."

He watched as Alastor sighed and set his stuff down "feel free to sit at anytime so that we could talk." Lucifer realized he had been awkwardly standing there the whole time and looked around for a chair, which was summoned right behind him. He sat down and set the radio on the table "Sorry, I was just impressed by your craftsmanship" he joked. Alastor laughed slightly and sat back in his chair. "So, what did you do while I was away?" Lucifer looked up at him. "Well first I was doing those weird exercises with Charlie, then we started to play the games..." he began to think about how all that morning he was trying to not look at Alastor, cause of how flustered he would get each time, that only made him blush now.

"Wow, that's a new record" Alastor said, breaking his train of thought as he summoned a notebook and wrote down something. "Wait... DID YOU MAKE IT A GAME?! You were trying to get me to blush this whole week purely for your ENTERTAINMENT??" he asked, realizing what Alastor had done. Alastor had the proudest smile on his face. "Yep, and I gotta say, It was quite fun" he confessed as he made the notebook vanish. "Oh you dick!" he said glaring at him.

That's when suddenly Alastor reached forward and put a hand on his chin. "Oh don't act like you didn't enjoy it Ducky~" Lucifer went red before pulling away. "Oh shut up, deer boy" he said looking away and crossing his arms, which made him look like a child. Alastor let out another laugh when he did that. "I'd like to see you try" Alastor stood up and over his chair. He watched as he put both his hands on the arms of the chair, and looked straight into his eyes. "You know, I haven't noticed before but you have really pretty eyes" he blurted out before covering his mouth realizing he said that out loud. Alastor looked down at him, covering him from anyone who could walk in. "Is this your attempt at flirting?" he asked with his small smile.

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