Chapter 6

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A/N: hey guys, sorry I didn't post last week, it's been a hectic week and just needed time to get myself together. I haven't typed much but here is Chapter 6, please enjoy!!


Lucifers POV:

He had spent the whole day with Charlie, making friendship bracelets, playing games, even joining in on a movie with a popcorn buffet with her and the other residents of the hotel. He was enjoying it. Every so often however, he would start to think about what Alastor was doing 'Why has he been gone for so long?' he wondered as he was drawing a picture of a duck. Charlie had started a new game where they were supposed to guess who drew what.

"Ok Times up!" Charlie said as a small timer went off. She folded up her drawing and put it in the basket, beconning everyone else to do the same. He set his in there with a sigh then looked over when Niffty came parading in "Lunch is done!" she squealed. He smiled, he hadn't eaten since yesterday's dinner, he was starving.

Everyone had found a spot and were talking and joking around when suddenly they heard Alastor walk in. They all looked over to see him march into his room without saying a word. Everyone went quiet and looked at eachother. Angel finally broke the silence. "What's wrong with Strawberry Pimp?" Charlie looked over at Lucifer a little worried. "He looked upset, you think he's alright?" he sighed and stood up, "I'll go talk to him..." he grabbed a plate for Alastor before walking up to his room.

He went up to his door and noticed Alastor had his lights off 'oh no... is he asleep? Maybe I should come back later' he started to back away before a voice came from the other side "I can see your shadow, what do you need?" he could hear the tiredness in Alastor's voice. "I uh... I brought you some lunch, I wasn't sure if you'd eaten or not'' he explained, not moving from his spot.

After a while of sitting in silence, Alastor opened his door with his fixed fake smile. "Come on in I suppose" he said before disappearing back into his room. He followed him inside, his eyes needing to adjust to the darkness. "Um, here" he handed Alastor the plate, of which he took gratefully and set it down on the bed. He patted the spot beside him. He went over and sat by him, clasping his hands together and staying quiet, letting the moment be for a second before he asked "are you ok?"

He could hear Alastor let out a sigh and lean back slightly onto his arms "I'm alright, how about yourself?" he looked at him and studied his face "you look anxious. I've never seen you anxious" he watched as Alastor's ears pinned back slightly and looked away from him "I assure you Lucifer, I'm not anxious, just tired" he watched him a little longer to see if he was lying. "mhm..."

Alastor sat up a little and looked down at the plate. "Just had a busy day, that's it." he looked down at his hands "are you sure? You seemed to be trying to avoid us earlier when you walked in'' he went quiet not wanting to push him away again. "Lucifer, stop worrying" Alastor's tone seemed to relax as all hints of radio vanished. He turned his head only to be met by calm gentle eyes.

"I'm ok, I promise... I just needed a day to get myself in order" he explained, not breaking eye contact. "Was... was it something I said, or did?" He felt like whatever was going on was his fault. He didn't know why or how, but he had grown to like Alastor, and for some reason, feared losing him. He became lost in thought thinking of all the possible things he could have possibly done wrong. "It's like I can hear your mind overthinking" Alastor's voice cut in with a small laugh "I- well, sorry, I really didn't mean to if I did do something wrong" he watched as Alastor's smile became a little more real "of course you didn't do anything wrong Lucifer, I was only stressing over myself again. Rosie always knew how to help me, so I went to go see her to talk about it." He reached down and took a grape off his plate and ate it.

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