Chapter 4

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Alastor's POV:

He was the first to wake up the next morning. He shifted but then froze when he felt a weight on his chest. He looked down to see Lucifer asleep on him, his arm around him. His heart started pounding 'shit what do I do?' he thought as he moved his arm away. He was blushing ever so slightly, not realizing it. Lucifer shifted, burying his face into his chest. He noticed the dried tears on his face, remembering what happened last night. He sighed and relaxed again, putting his arm back.

Now that he thought of it, the king looked peaceful as he slept... almost cute even. Wait, oh god what was he thinking this was Lucifer! But he couldn't just move, he needed sleep and he wasn't about to wake him in this awkward moment. It was about 6:00am when he looked over at the clock. He sighed and laid there, watching the fire flicker until Lucifer woke up.

            By 7:30, Lucifer finally woke up. He seemed to have not realize that he was sleeping on him, because he stretched and cuddled closer to him. "Lucifer...." He didn't move. "hmm?" His voice sounded tired. "Do you mind getting off of me?" He asked. Lucifer's body seemed to tense as he opened his eyes and turned to look at him "I-I oh, umm... shit sorry!" He fumbled his words, panicking as he sat up. His face was red. He found this hillarious. "Thank you" he was finally able to move. He sat up and stretched, popping his neck and back as he did.

             Lucifer was still very embarrassed. He hid his face in his hands and didn't look at him. "W-why were you in the bed?" Lucifer asked him. "You had a nightmare, and asked me to stay" he said simply like it was no big deal. "And you did? Why?" Lucifer looked up at him. "Cause you asked me too... and besides, you seemed a bit too scared for it to be, just, a nightmare" he said as he got out of the bed and walked to his bathroom. "You didn't have to..." Lucifer muttered. He sighed and pretended not to hear it "I'm going to go shower, you can stay here if you want"

              Lucifer nodded, he was still curled up into a ball. He walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 'Why did I stay?' He wondered as he looked into the mirror. Other than his shirt being slightly wrinkled from Lucifer laying on him, other than that, he looked put together. He turned on the shower and got in.


Lucifer's POV

                He sat alone in the bed. 'He stayed... he actually stayed the whole night!' He thought fidgeting with his shirt. 'And... oh god his voice~' he laid back in the bed 'why won't he talk like that more often?! It's so hot- wait no... what am I thinking?!' He covered his face with his hands 'I'm supposed to hate him, not fall for him, god what's wrong with me!!!'

               He got out of the bed and snapped, new clothes appeared on his body. He could hear the shower running. 'he has quite the singing voice too~' he thought as he heard Alastor's voice through the door. He looked at the clock, 8:10. He sighed and looked at the door. He debated leaving. 'Would that be rude?' He wondered. Just then the shower turned off. He looked over at the door as Alastor's muscular form, a towel wrapped around his waist, appeared.

               He stared at him. Alastor's chest and arms were covered in old scars. His eyes feel down towards his torso. "See something you like?" Alastor asked when he saw him staring. He blushed and looked away. "Yes, no! ...sorry" he hid his face. Alastor laughed. Not long later he said "ok you can look now"

              He turned around slowly and met Alastor's eyes. He was fully dressed now, his hair was still damp. 'That's hot- fuck no! That's not what I meant' his thoughts were everywhere. He sat on the bed and buried his face to his knees. Alastor seemed to find this whole thing entertaining as he sat down beside him. "Everything alright your majesty?" He teased

               "Don't, just don't..." he said, embarrassed enough. Alastor laughed again, "well, I suppose we should head down, they might be wondering where we are." He nodded and looked up at him "can we act like these past few days haven't happened" he asked. "Of course dear" he said standing up. "Come on then, let's get breakfast." Lucifer jumped hearing Alastor's normal radio voice come back. He hadn't heard it for the past few hours that It seemed weird to hear it again. He nodded and got up following him out.


Third Person POV:

               Downstairs, Charlie had made a late breakfast. She smiled when she saw the two, though was shocked when she saw her father "dad?! Why are you here?" He looked at her, forgetting that he showed up the other night without her knowing. "Oh, I I'm..." he tried to think of a lie, but Alastor stopped him when he put a hand on his shoulder. "He was helping me with a small project for the Overlords, nothing to worry about Dear" he said with a smile.

              "Oh... really?" She asked skeptically. "Yes! It's nothing big" Lucifer said with a big smile. "Mhmm... seems suspicious," Vaggie muttered. Alastor walked over to the table "so, what's for breakfast?" He asked. "I made eggs, bacon and pancakes" Charlie said with a smile. "Pancakes? My favorite! Mind if I join you?" He asked shyly. "Of course dad! There's a spot over there for you, by Alastor" she said, pointing over to Alastor, who had grabbed a plate of eggs and Bacon.

             Smiling, Lucifer walked over and sat by him. "You didn't have to do that..." he whispered. "No big deal darling" he said back, with that voice again. Lucifer but his lip before dishing up his plate. Angel looked at the two then over at Husker. Husker didn't look up from his plate. "You two are actin weird..." Angel finally said. "How so Dear?" Alastor asked looking at him now. "Your seeing things" Husker said before Angel could answer, which earned a creepy grin from Alastor.

            "So... father, I was thinking, you seem to come here a lot... ever think of getting a room?" Charlie asked, breaking the tension. She had sat down beside Vaggie, holding her hand under the table. "Getting a room?" Lucifer repeated, looking at her. She nodded.  "Well I.. hmm" he thought for a while then glanced at Alastor, who was just enjoying his breakfast. "I suppose that wouldn't be such a bad idea," he said, smiling back at her. "Wonderful! We should have an extra room for you to stay in until we can get you a proper custom room." She looked very excited.

           They finished breakfast not very long after that conversation. They sat in silence until Vaggie started talking about new ways to reach out to sinners about the hotel. Lucifer was thinking back about the previous two nights with Alastor. Alastor was quiet as he finished his dinner, he excused himself early. Lucifer left back to the palace not long after to pack his things.


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