Another thing she notices is how Lilia has pointy ears and slit pupils. That combined with the implications of him being old makes the Devil Fruit user wonder if he's a vampire.

Done with showing her around, the two make their way to the lounge. On the way, she thinks about what Lilia told her about the thorn fairy and absent-mindedly asks,

"Are fairies real here?"

The Vice Housewarden nods at her,

"They are, and there are actually some at our school. But if you're asking because of the Thorn Fairy, Fae would be more precise. I myself and two others of Diasomnia are fae."


Y/n scratches the back of her head,

"I thought you were a vampire! Since you can fly and your ears are pointy."

Chuckling, Lilia shares more information about himself as she listens intently,

"Hehe, well you're not completely wrong. There are multiple types of fae, I happen to be a bat fae."

Fascinated by the existence fairies and faes, and how much variety exists amongst them, the woman is about to eagerly asks more questions but is interrupted by a loud voice as they enter the lounge.


A tall guy with light green hair stands up abruptly from the couch in the lounge as he addresses the Devil Fruit user,

"You were the one with the strange ability at the entrance ceremony!"

"Yeah, that's right."

Y/n states in a very matter-of-fact tone while pointing at herself. Not waiting for her to say anything else, he approaches and stands in front her.

"Hmph. You don't possess any magic, yet were able to Imitate it..."

Squinting his eyes and observing her, the guy crosses his arms with a skeptical expression,

"... are you really human?"

"Wha-?? Of course I'm human!... I think."

Bewildered by what Y/n says at the end, the boy with light green hair criticizes her for it and goes on about how it's possible for her to not be sure. In the middle of his rant, a head with silver hair peaks up from the couch and looks around before tiredly getting up to join Lilia's side. Neither of the two arguing pay any mind as the woman gets tired his hounding,

"I don't know my parents! How am I supposed to know for sure?"

Y/n never gave a shit about her bloodline or where she came from, she didn't think it would matter! Why is this random guy so obsessed with who's human and who isn't?? The boy with green hair goes on to rant more, but is stopped by Lilia,

"Now Sebek, this isn't an interrogation."

"Ah-! But...!"

Ignoring Sebek's struggles to justify himself, the Vice Housewarden brings the woman to sit on the couch and the silver haired boy follows them and sits next to her. Still dissatisfied with her answers, Sebek collects himself and joins them on the couch with crossed arms. Lilia doesn't join them right away and instead heads into a different room.

"Now you can get to knowing each other, in the meantime I'll go get some tea and treats for us to enjoy."

Ignoring the two Diasomnia students flinching and worried looks, Y/n introduces herself. Sebek, still unamused, doesn't say anything and leaves it to the silver haired boy to do introductions,

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