I woke up to the smell of bacon 'hmm'
I was hungry now
I took my phone checked the time it was just 6am
Super early
I went to my Instagram checked some random stuff and then stubbled upon my ex-bf's pic it was him and a girl probably his new gf
She had blonde hair I heta Blondies they are the bitchiest [sorry to blonde's no offense 😅]
Oh it's his problem now
I got off my bed and went to the bathroom to go brush and get ready

I got ready and took out my outfit
It's a bit tomboy nope totally tomboy
What am I turning to

Oh well this is my faith now
I got up and went to the kitchen and was greeted by the appearance of my mom in apron cooking
''good morning mom'' she noticed me and turned''oh.. good morning sweetie, how are you''. ''im good'' I replied her
''Honey what's with the resent change of appearance? Are okay?''. I just shrugged it of the look of hurt paced her eye
I know I kind of hurt her, but what could I do


I got to school 7 on dot
I took out my phone to check my schedule for today I guess I have chemistry for my first 3 periods yey a good way to start my day

I draged my lazy ass to the class and then took a sit near the window looking out
I must have zoned out cause I got a tap on my shoulder I looked up
And immediately regret it
In front of me is a guy with fucking silver hair [it must have been tinted] silver eye that was SPARKLING [ it is totally eye contact, right?] Face...
Don't let me get started on the face
But God he was handsome, no not handsome.....
Something about him screams royalty DAMN

Then his voice~um..excuse me but is this sit taken~
God I could faint

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