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I smell the scent of masculine and feel warmth under my touch. I feel a hand stroking my hair and I hum to the feeling of pleasure.
I sit there a little longer letting this person stroke my hair.
"That feels nice, Phoebe." I rasp out.
I barely remember last night, from all the crying I did and the shock I went through after seeing my room, I could barely put the pieces together.
I open my eyes slowly and gasp when I realize I'm laying my head on David's chest and wrapping my arm around his waist.
"Shit. I'm sorry." I back away and his hand stays in the air.
"I didn't mind. You were warm." He says smoothly.
I scoff and he smiles.
"Come back." He pouts sarcastically. "It's cold." He pretends to shiver.
"You're such a baby. But since you give good head rubs, just a little longer won't hurt." I go back to him, laying my head back on his chest and my arms to my sides
He lays one hand on my lower back and his other hand strokes my hair.
"If you're gonna lay your hand on my back, at least make it useful." I grunt against his chest.
He chuckles and starts rubbing my back as well as my hair.
What the hell was I thinking? Going back to him and letting him play with my hair and back. The fuck was wrong with me. I just couldn't move though, it felt so good.
I let a satisfied moan out and his body stiffens.
I realize my mistake and hold in my laughter.
He continues slowly and relaxes back after a while.
I am almost asleep when he stops.
"Hey! Jerk. Keep going." I grunt.
"You're the baby." He chuckles and continues again.
I wrap my arm around his torso, too tired to care. My arm was getting tired in the position I had it in to prevent from touching him, but I couldn't help it anymore, it was uncomfortable.
He groans but I didn't pay it any mind.
"Mmmm." I hum as he rubs circles on my back.
The moment was ruined by a knock on the door. The same lady from earlier enters.
"Sorry, was I interrupting something? I can come back later." She says backing out the room.
"No, mom. You're not. You may stay." He says stilling stroking my hair.
"I thought she was just a classmate." She smirks.
"More like a friend." He shrugs.
I hit his leg. "Jerk." His mom giggles.
"I love her already. You got one that's bossy, son. Good luck having your way with everything." She laughs and winks at me.
"Breakfast is ready when y'all are, I'll be downstairs." She smiles and closes the door.
I get on my elbows and look up at him.
"She doesn't think we're dating does she?" I said in hopes that's not what she thought.
He pats my back and nods. "Unfortunately, yep." He chuckles.
"Nooooo!" I let my head fall onto his chest.
He pulls my hair to make me look at him again.
"Ouch, jerk!" I slap his hand away.
"The best jerk you'll meet." He repeats from last night in the car.
I finally sit up and face reality. "I should probably go back home. My father should be waiting for me." I say looking away from him.
"You are welcome to stay another night, princess." He says seriously but jokingly with the last word.
"Sure, prince." I sarcastically remark.
"I'm serious. I could use the warmth of your koala grip again. I fell right asleep." He pulls my arm making me fall back onto his chest.
"We are not dating, I'm not cuddling with you on purpose. That was an accident, I was asleep, jerk." I roll my eyes and distance myself from him.
"Seems like you wanted it enough." He laughs.
I cuddle with myself on the other side of the bed as I stare at him blankly.
"Fine. I'll stay another night. You owe me a lifetime of head scratches." I lift my chin.
As much as I hated it, I really did need somewhere to stay. I didn't actually want to go back, I just didn't want to be with my literal enemy. In his bed. FUCKING CUDDLING HIM FOR GOODNESS SAKES.
"Deal." He laughs.
I get off the bed and so does he. He goes to the closet and I go to the bathroom.
I close the door and get undressed. I remember that I left my phone on the bed, but I was already undressed. I turn on the water and hop in when it gets warm.
I let the water pour all over my body as I relax.
I close my eyes and let it run over my face.
Thoughts of him rubbing my back flash back to my mind. His hands felt so damn good on my skin, I almost didn't want him to stop.
Over everything, he was still my enemy, and I hated him. I couldn't cuddle with my enemy while he plays with my hair and rubs my back.
I finish my shower and get wrapped in a towel.
I reach for fresh clothes and nothing. Shit. I forgot to ask for new clothes.
I open the door a little bit to peak my head out and don't see him. I run across the room and enter the closet. I bump into a wall. A human wall. A way too familiar wall. Fucking. Shit.
"Shit!" He curses and when I turn around my eyes widen.
There he was, in nothing but boxers.
His eyes roamed my bare body and I grip my towel even harder.
"Holy shit, Jade." His eyes darken. "What are you doing?"
I can't find words. His jaw clenches and he stares into my eyes waiting for an answer.
"I uh...don't have fresh clothes."  My voice cracks.
His body relaxes and he starts going through a drawer.
He hands me a large sweatshirt and some new boxers.
"You''re making me go to school in boxers?" My cheeks flush.
"I have nothing else to fit your small body. Take them or go butt naked. I wouldn't mind the second option, but it's up to you." He chuckles.
"You just had to remind me how much of a fucking jerk you are." I jerk the clothes out his hands and stomp back to the bathroom.
I quickly get ready and exit the bathroom to see him already waiting with his car keys.
He smirks at me and his eyes roam my bare legs.
"Looks good on you." He winks.
I go up to him and scoff.
Unexpectedly, he grips my neck and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm not that much of a jerk, am I?" He chuckles which makes his chest rumble and my head rumble with it.
"Let go of me, jerk." I say pushing away from him.
"Not what you wanted earlier." He said walking away.
We leave the house without grabbing breakfast, I'm glad he didn't bring it up. He didn't need to know about that problem too.
We make it to school and we get inside before anyone sees us, and he goes up to his friends. Jaxon saw us together but didn't say anything luckily.
I walk up to Phoebe, surprising her.
"Jade! I was worried sick about you." She hugs me.
"I'm fine. I stayed at a friend's last night." It slipped. She knew I didn't have any other friends I trusted but her.
"Jay. Who's this friend?" She raises a brow.
"Uh..." We're interrupted by Wilson.
"Hey, Jade." He smiles at me.
"Heyyy." I smile and go in for a hug.
The same cologne I smelt on him at the mall.
"Would you like to go on a date tonight?" He shoots the question like it meant nothing.
I froze but Phoebe was smiling so hard, I thought her teeth would fall out.
"Uh..Wilson, you're a great guy. Really. I'm just not ready." I frown.
"It's okay. I'll wait. I understand it may be soon." He cups my cheek.
"Thank you, Wilson." I smile.
He kisses my cheek before saying bye and walking down the hall.
I turn to see David looking, but he looks away.
I frown. Why did I feel guilty...David and I weren't even anything.
"David!" I holler from my locker. I might regret this.
Him and his whole friend group look over.
He says something to them and begins to stride toward me.
"What the hell are you doing?" Phoebe says in my ear.
"I'm going to talk to him." I say as she looks at me in shock.
He reaches me. I immediately shrivel at his presence.
"Can we talk, somewhere private." I say indicating to the janitors closet.
"Sure." He says dryly giving Phoebe a look.
We head down the hall and look around before going into the janitors closet.
When he closes the door, I immediately feel dizzy.
"Uh...Wilson. Him and I are just friends." I say, starting to regret this.
"Okay?" He asks curiously.
"I uh. I saw you looking and I just wanted to tell you we are nothing but friends." I gulp.
I don't know why I felt the need to tell him. I felt guilty even though we were nothing.
He steps closer to me. I take a big gulp. He pushes his hand under my hair and moves it. He leans down and kisses my neck. A spark of electricity flies through my body like a current.
"Thank you for telling me, although you can do what you want. I can't control who you date, princess." He kisses my neck again and lays his head in the nape of my neck.
"Why did you tell me this?" He says, his lips moving against my neck as he talks.
I gulp and grab his wrist to stop him but also hoping he does something more.
"I don't know." I say shyly.
"Well, tell me when you figure it out." He kisses my jawline and opens the door.
"Ladies first." He smirks.
Just a little closer and he would have made me lose any control I had.
I exit the closet and he follows.
Everyone was already in class so when we walk in people stare at us together.
Just as I thought he would go back to his normal seat, he follows me and stops at the desk beside me. Alynn stares up at him and her cheeks blush.
"Alynn, sweetie. This is my seat now." He flashes her his charmful smile and she nods and moves to an empty seat.
What the hell.. why does he keep bothering me...
Phoebe looks between me and David.
"Are you two good?" She raises a brow at me.
"Yep. We're fine." I force a smile.
She hides so he can't see her and fans her face while winking at me.
I giggle and look forward to the teacher, teaching.

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