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I grab my keys and run out the door before father wakes up. It only took me five minutes to get to school, and it was still early, so I sit in the parking lot for a few minutes.
I notice a figure out of my peripheral vision and look up to see a handsome looking man. He's wearing a black short-sleeve shirt and jeans, with some black converses.
He has some beard stubble and a mustache coming in. He's very attractive, but who was he? I didn't care that much, since I had just got out a relationship.
I am quickly hit with a spark of adrenaline when he looks directly in my direction.
I duck down and wait before lifting my head back up. Good he stopped looking, but that's when five more guys joined him. They all had the same vibe: junkie, bad boy, popular.
I sigh, looking at the time. Class was starting soon, so that means I have to walk past them. I take a deep breath and exit the car. I lock it and start walking to the entrance of the school without looking in the guys direction.
I feel stares burn through my skin.
"Watch this." I hear one of them say and I run into a hard, wall.
I smell a strong cologne and realize it's not a wall. Uh oh.
I look up to meet a six-foot four male. His green eyes burn through my eyes and his husky scent flows through my head all the way to my brain.
"Wassup, shorty." He pats my head.
"Leave me alone." I say and try to get past him, but he just blocks me again.
"Trying to get gone so soon?" He mocks and I grow angry.
My fists clench and two of his friends laugh. "Watch out, David. You're making her mad." They all laugh in mocking ways towards me.
"Is that right, darling? Am I making you mad?" He frowns and then smirks.
"Get out my way." I warn under my breath.
I wasn't sure where I got courage, but the only person I would ever be afraid of was my father. Other males didn't phase me. I hated the male species. All of them treated me wrong. I never found one worth wasting my time on, not even Carson..
"Ahh. I'm so scared." He threw up his arms.
I try to push his chest and it didn't do much besides the fact that it made him step back from it being so unexpected.
I look up and his eyes darkened. "Did you just push me?" He laughed mockingly.
"Look. I already said to leave me alone. Now, get out my way." I grow furious. At this point, nothing was stopping me from standing my ground.
"David's getting bossed around." One of his friends mock and laugh.
"Shut up. I am not." He replies to his friends laughing.
He steps closer to me and I kick him in the balls and rush past him. I hear him groan but I don't stop until I get to class.
"Jade!" Phoebe runs to me and hugs me.
"I was wondering where you were. You weren't at your locker." She frowns.
"It was some dickhead. He blocked me from getting to class and I kicked him in the balls and rushed past him. Stupid jerk." I curse.
Her brows raise in shock. "Are you okay?" She grabs my arms and checks my body for injuries I guess.
"I'm fine." A laugh slips at her concern.
She signs and joins my laughing. "Let's go sit. You're such a badass, I love it." She still comes down from her laughter.
We take our seats when a guy enters the class. The atmosphere instantly changes and I look up. My anger rises in my core.
"That asshole. I can't believe he's in this class." I curse and Phoebe looks in then direction I look to see what I'm talking about.
Her eyes widen. "That's the dickhead you were talking about?" Her mouth opens.
"Yes." I close her mouth. "Don't catch any flies."
She laughs before swatting my hand away.
"Jade. That's the new student I showed you!" She whisper-yells.
I didn't even realize. How didn't I realize.
"Well he's an asshole." I say getting my notebook out my bag.
"He's staring at you." She whispers.
I turn around and our eyes lock. I must have not been the only one that felt a spark of electricity because he looked away shortly after.
That's weird.
"I don't care. He's just mad he got his nuts kicked." I say crossing my arms and looking forward. He truly had pissed me off so I didn't care how mad he was. He can stay mad.
"I see you, baddie Jade." She giggles before the bell rings and Mr.Six starts talking.


I grabbed my lunch and sat down with Phoebe.
"They never have good lunches anymore." She signs and picks at her food.
I almost laugh at her before my eyes fell on a particular person that made my blood boil.
I quickly looked away when he looked back at me unexpectedly.
I hated backing down, but it wasn't worth looking at that face any longer. Just looking at his face alone irritates me. I already didn't like him, and I could tell this was going to be a long year.
"Jade, are you okay?" Phoebe raises a brow and looks around. Her eyes stop at a certain person and somehow I already know who it is.
"You really do hate him, don't you?" She laughs.
I look back at Phoebe and frowned.
"This is going to be a long year, phoebs." I sigh.
"I know, babes. I know." She closes her eyes and rubs my knee.


The bell rings making me jump out of my phase.
I found someone else.
I found someone else.
We're done for good.
We're done for good.
I'm blocking you.
I'm blocking you.
The text replayed in my head, each statement playing more than once. I don't know why I still cared especially after he told me straight up.
I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder.
"Are you excited, Jay?" Phoebe try's her best not to jump out of excitement. I'm not sure what she was talking about.
"Huh?" I'm sure I looked more confused than I did when I was being told my mother had passed away.
"Kylie's party tonight." She looks at me confused and then laughs.
My eyes widen. "Tonight?" I squeal. I had nothing to wear. I wasn't even aware of this until now.
"Yes, Jay! There were posts all about it all week." She shakes me.
"Okay, okay." I say gaining balance.
We walk out the double doors to get to the parking lot.
"I'll try to sneak out, but I can't promise I'll make it." I say lowly.
My body hits against a pumped up chest that smells of a familiar cologne. Oh. My. Gosh. Can this day get any worse?
"Watch where you're going, nerd." He says looking down at me.
I look up to meet his green eyes.
"Shut up, dick." I say backing from him.
"Ohhh!" His friends push him around but he doesn't move a bit.
"I'm not a dick, darling. But I do have one and you are welcome to try if you're that desperate for some." He smirks and his friends hit his back as they laugh.
His smirk grows bigger the more I stay silent.
"I'm pretty sure a shrimp would be more entertaining than that." I point at his groin.
His smirk drops before it comes back slightly.
"Would you like me to prove you wrong, darling?" He steps closer.
Phoebe steps closer to me and grabs my arm. "Let's go, jay. He isn't worth it." She sees my anger grow.
"Don't get any fucking closer, jerk off. Go prove it to your whores, I'm not interested." I say walking away with Phoebe before a strong hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest.
He grabs the back of my neck and leans down to my ear. My heart beat fastens.
"I don't have whores, baby. I have fans, there's a difference." He lets me go and I instantly back towards Phoebe who has a shocked look on her face.
He looks away and acts like nothing happened. Jerk.
Me and Phoebe walk to the car and I begin driving her home.

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