Just Some Sunday Things (Chapter 4)

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//downstairs in dorm common room👍//

"Since you four were gone yesterday I was thinking that we should do something today! Well, if you arent busy again of course." Kaminari says looking at the four friends after everyone had finished breakfast.

"Yeah, sure that would actually be fun. What would you guys want to do?" Izuku replies speaking for all four of them.

"Wait really!" Kaminari says looking surprised, before quickly saying. "I-I mean, it just seems that you guys are always busy. Not that im trying to say anything bad or anything though."

Izuku just laughs and says. "No, its fine. But you never answered when I asked what we would do."

"How about we go to the movies, and then after THE MALL!" Mina, Momo, and Uraraka exclaim. Uraraka seemingly forgetting about her attitude from the day before, looked happy as she got positive feedback from the rest of the class, before she started searching for a good movie that would be playing that morning. "Any preferences for movie types. Like horror, romance, comedy, or action?" She asked without looking up from her phone. She received multiple answers before settling on a horror movie. "Hey what about Five Nights at Freddy's?"

After everyone agreed and they bought the tickets they started walking to the theater.

(IDK why I chose FNAF movie I just was trying to think of a random movie)

When they reached the theater, they quickly found their seats and waited for the movie to start. All but four though were completely unworried.

'I wonder if we are going to be able to easily sneak out tonight. If we get caught, we will have to explain a lot.' Izuku thinks to worried about sneaking out that night to fully enjoy himself. Looking over he saw that his other three friends were thinking the same thing. 'I wonder how Toga/Emma is going to sneak out. Im more worried about her if she gets caught. She would have to go through so much more than we would have to.'

"Hey Deku, is everything ok you look worried. Is something bothering you?" Uraraka says pulling Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Uh, yeah Im ok. Im worried about the...movie." He replies quickly making up a lie hoping that she believes it.

'Hmm something is up.' She thinks before saying. "Yeah, I hope they make it away from the animatronics."

//after the movie//

"Hey that was a good movie actually." Jiro says as the rest of the class nods in agreement. 

"Mall time!" Mina says happily as her and the girls drag some of the boys.

(some they wont go near either out of fear *cough* Bakugo *cough* or... other reasons *cough* Mineta *cough*)

When they reach the mall, they decide to go to the food court before shopping.

//after mall when back at dorms heh//

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