Conversation and THE MALL(chapter 3)

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                 (here is a bootiful picture of a cat for no reason (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)

                                                                         //with the rest of class 1-A//

                                 The rest of the class waits for them to be out of sight before motioning to Jiro to come out of where she was hiding.

                                   "So what did you hear?" Uraraka asks before anything else could be said.

                                 "They said that they had to meet somebody at 12:00 and that it was hard for that person to sneak out." Jiro says to the members of the class that would take part in this.

                                  "Who do you think they were talking about?" Kaminari asks looking around.

                                    "Well do you think it has anything to do why we saw two members of the LOV at the mall while we were searching." Kirishima says looking at Kaminari and Uraraka while the others stared at him before shouting "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SAW TWO MEMBERS OF THE LOV AT THE MALL!"

                                    "Well while looking for Todoroki, Izuku, Bakugo, and Tsuyu at the mall we saw Shigaraki and Dabi there and they also seemed to be looking for someone." Uraraka explained the forgotten event due to recent events.

                                   "Wait just the two of them?" Iida says, of course using hand motions.

                                    "Yeah why?" Uraraka asking looking confused before realizing what he meant. "Wait Toga wasnt with them which is strange because even when fighting them they always seem to stick together." Uraraka says to the confused faces that belonged to her classmates.

                                       "Do you think that is what they were looking for?" Kirishima questions with the definite look of disbelief. 

                                     "No that would never happen." Jiro says. "I heard the way they were talking about that person they sounded like family, not someone they fight almost every day." Jiro says with the look of challenge at anyone who disagreed with her.

                                      "Yeah, Jiro is right, plus they would never hang out with someone who has tried to kill us multiple times." Uraraka says settling everyones minds away from the thought of some of their classmates hanging out with a villain. "So who do you think they meant when they said that then?" she asks everyone.

                                         "Well we can just ask them right?" Kaminari asks before receiving weird looks from everyone.

                                        "Do you not remember the last time we asked them something about this. I thought I was about to die. Everyone was giving the amount of anger we normally get from Bakugo." Mina says finally speaking. "Who knew some of them had the ability to get that mad." She exclaims. 

                                       "She does have a point." Kirishima says. "I never thought that some of them could get that mad. It was kind of scary. But before continuing with this matter, I want to ask Urararka, what the heck was with your tone it has never gotten like that before." He says staring at her.

                                     "Uhmm what tone did I use?" Uraraka asks.

                                         "You used this angry, annoyed, sarcastic, mocking tone." Jiro said.

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