Note(a small explanation)

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ummm just so yall know if im talking its underlined but um NOW TO SAY WHAT I ACTUALLY MADE THIS NOTE FOR       izuku/ray does NOT wear contacts i decided that his eyes will just be a darker green than in the anime so yeah he only uses hair dye, concealer/foundation, and ofc prosthetic ear and glue.     tsuyu/gilda does NOT wear contacts OR use hair dye she only needs concealer/foundation because both gildas and tsuyus hair and eyes are green so yay.     they all have their stuff on them the only thing they leave in their room is their hair dye so and prosthetic glue, concealer/foundation, or contact holder they might have they bring with them in case of emergencies   bye see you in the next chapter

also fyi i will be puting random pictures that how no relation to the story what so ever in that top picture box

Secretive (izuku-ray/toga-emma/todoroki-norman/tsuyu-gilda/ bakugo-don)Where stories live. Discover now