Questions and more (chapter 2)

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                    Even though they knew there was going to be question they were not ready for what was asked.

                     "Why did some of you have a bottle of hair dye and a set of bow and arrows in your rooms?" Iida asks holding up bottles of blonde, green, and red hair dye, while motioning to a pile of bows and arrows on the floor.

                       'Yikes I have never been so glad that I kept my real hair color' Tsuyu thinks to herself.

                     At the same time the four also were thinking 'good thing we keep the foundation and contact holders on us'. (Izuku with the added thought of prosthetic glue). 

                    "Wait! Did you guys go snooping in our rooms while we were gone at the store/mall" Bakugo says/yells!.

                     "Yes, we are sorry but we were worried." Iida says with his usual hand motions.

                 "What do you mean ,while you were at the store/mall, we looked and you were not there. So where did you really go." Uraraka says joining the conversation.

                  "Yeah lying is not manly at all." Kirishima says.

                   "You know maybe you should leave our business alone extras." Bakugo snaps, with the other three nodding their heads behind him in agreement. Before all four leave quietly grabbing their stuff that Iida, Momo, and Mina took from their rooms.

                    After they left the rest of the class looked at each other in confusion.

                    "What just happened ive never seen them, well except Bakugo, look so mad. I mean what did that stuff even mean to them anyway." Mina says annoyed and confused. "I mean why the heck do they have bows and arrows to begin with?" 

                    " I dont know, Mina. Its seemed so personal and we just asked why they had them." Kaminari says.

                           //with the others after they went into their owns rooms and locked the doors//

                                  //in the group chat "escapes"(im shortening the actual words so yeah)//

mentally ill emo- ugh we almost got caught

giraffe lover- u guys 2

norway- wdym 2

giraffe lover- yeah i almost got caught

greenbean- well we r going 2 start locking our doors from now on

giraffe lover- i prob should as well 

mentally ill emo- why

angry domino- she prob had someone ransack her room as well

giraffe lover- yup u r correct im guessing same thing happened to u guys as well 

norway- yes thankfully we keep our contact containers and foundation on us

mentally ill emo- yup or else it could have been a lot worse than it was

giraffe lover- so how bad were the questions 4 u guys

mentally ill emo- better than they should have been worse than we would have liked 

greenbean- im guessing the questions were really bad on ur end

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