~Wax on Wax Off~

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I do not own any of the characters except for Arabella.

~Arabella's POV~

Kim was sparring with another black belt in the Bobby Wasabi International tournament. I already won my spar, but we need two more wins to get the role of Bobby's top dojo. The fight was even, but kim eventually got her opponent sprawled on the ground, indicating her victory. "Winner." the referee pointed to Kim making us all cheer.

"Kim, you just won a match in the All Wasabi Invitational This has to be the most amazing moment of your life." Rudy exclaimed as Kim took off her red padded helmet.

"Actually, when you see my sister first birth..."Kim started to tell a story when she was cut off.

"Boring." Rudy said uninterested, walking away.

"Don't take it personal" I gave her a quick hug.

"It's all tight up. If we win the last match, we're the number Dojo in the Bobby Wasabi chain." Rudy explained to his students. "Jack, you're up. Are you ready?"

"Well yeah but... I thought Bobby Wasabi was gonna be here." Jack said with disappointment.

"People, Bobby can't show up every once. Or he's here now." Rudy said just as a ninja striked the bell, "Or he is here now."

Bobby rode in on a Segway, wearing his usual dress. "Bobby, welcome." Rudy greeted him.

"I'm sorry. I... I was hoping to slip in unnoticed." Bobby said modestly, stopping in the middle of the dojo where everyone could see him.

"Well, we could notice a man with outfit that is unique looking." I said sarcastically.

"So... How much is my Pittsburgh dojo winning by, huh?" he asked stepping down from the Segway and taking of his helmet.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Jerry said offended,  "For your information, we're kicking butt."

Bobby laughed in disbelief, now sitting down in a throne like chair.  "Oh, that's rich, almost as rich. As my labradoodle will be when I die." he laughed again, but stopped once he saw our offended expressions. "Seriously, you're... you're winning?"

"If we win this last match." Rudy explained.

"Well, let's do this!" Bobby clapped his hands together.

"Jack, you can do this." Rudy pepped him, "You want to know why there's a heat wave outside?
Because you're on ♪fire! ♪" Rudy screamed in a high pitched voice.

"Fire! Celebrities first!" Bobby screamed, standing up to run out of the dojo scared for his life.

"Wait wait wait, no fire." Rudy stopped him. "Just a pep talk."

"Oh well, ahem... Before the match begins,
I have an announcement." Bobby gained everyone attention, "This month there will be an article on the principles of the Wasabi code. In "karate fancy" magazine!" He continued, "The winning dojo will receive a gift from me. And the winning Sensei will appear on the cover with me."

"Do you guys know what this means?" Rudy excitedly asked his pupils, "If I'm on the cover with Bobby, People will finally know how great I am." He said arrogantly, "And humble."

I sighed in disbelief and turned to Jack, "Good luck Jackie." I give him a kiss, then we separate from the kiss, and I walked back to sit down.

"Ho hoo, this is going to be exciting." Bobby said, "Evan, sausage me." he screamed and a ninja on the other side of the room threw a sausage to him.

The gang cheered as Jack fought. First it looked like the other guy was going to win, but then Jack turned the match around and managed to kick the other guy to the floor.

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