A traumatizing night.

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A few weeks later after all the shit has happend I finally start to forget about all of it, the pain cuts, bruises, everything started to just go away and were healing. One of my friends called me and invited me to go to a club, to just get out of the cramped house. I didnt tell anyone about what has happened to me, i kept it to myself and now i could hide it all because all the bruises and cuts were just about gone. They told me it would be for the evening and most of the night. They were gonna take me out for dinner and get a few drinks, but i wasnt going to drink. I decided to go and called them back up and told them. During the night I hung out with them and for the first time i was starting to really notice how beautiful and sweet one of my best friends truly are. I was talking to her for hours and she just made me feel so secure, she was being very sweet to me all night, her names yasenia. While we were talking i finally told her everything. I kept it to myself all night but when i was with her, i could tell i could trust her. But sadly at the end of the night i told her i had to go and she took my hand gently and brought me to the side where not many people where, she told me she was sorry for what happened to me and kissed me softly, by the time i realized what happened i started kissing her back. But then she broke the kiss and i looked at my phone and realized i really had to get home, I told her ill call her sometime again and then kissed her on the cheek.

I headed out throughout the doors and started walking home, it was pitch black out and i could barely see where i was going. I heard foot steps behind me and became paranoid, i started walking faster until i got to my appartment door, i opened the door as fast as i could, as soon as i got it opened i slammed it shut and slid down the door in relief. My eyes watered as i stood up. Walking to my bedroom i had streams of tears down my face i got dressed for bed and calasped on the bed sobbing. My eyes started to swell shut so i finally just gave up and fell asleep.

 Two in the morning I woke up to feeling like someone was touching my legs, I roled over thinking nothing to it, a few minutes later i felt a rougher rubbing on my arms, i opened my eyes scared and was skimming around the room, finally meeting the eyes of the masked man who was in my bedroom. I tried to scream but before i could he grabbed my arms and mouth to make me quiet. He let go of my arms and got a large black cloth from his pocket and shoved it in my mouth to make me stay quiet. He gagged me as he pushed it down and taped the outside down to my face. He started stripping me as i was trying to hit him hard, but right after i hit him he back handed me in the face making my face burn and slightly swell. I fluttered my eyes to try and focus on his face, his masked face and dark skin made me reconize him from the beating. I stared closly at him remembering that night when i saw his evil grin and his dark eyes for the first time, the thoughts made me offically give up fighting back. My body became limp of the thought i wouldnt be able to get away from it.  I watched his horrid smile once again knowing he could and would do anything he wanted to do to me. Holding naked body down by my knees and arms he leaned down slowly and whispered into my ear i  held my breath scared he said "Im gonna hurt you more than before, I will slowly ruin your life and you cant do a damn thing about it, you stupid fuckin cunt. Tonight will be nothing compared to what you have to come." I turned my head the opposite way of his and shut my eyes forcefully attemping one last time to get away. He laughed evily in my ear. I opened my eyes looking straight at the wall a tear slowly went down my face as my body shook from him jerking my body roughly. Knowing that ill never be able to ever forget this. He started to unbutton his pants as soon as he could. He looking down my naked body and smiled. I felt ashamed of what was happening and of how he was looking at me. He grinned at me while squaring his body up to mine and forcefully shoved himself fully in me. I screamed out and begged to stop shaking my head back and forth, but he wouldnt. He started thrusting harder, i sobbed harder and harder. He started telling me to do anything and everything possible to him. He didnt care that i was a virgin, he  was making me do everything to him. While i was crying hard he screamed and told me that if i didnt shut the hell up i wouldnt survive after he was done. A tear went down my face and finally shut up, letting him do it, scared that he'd kill me. When he was fianally finished he got up and dressed himself only. He left me in my bed naked and bleeding. He came back to me and looked at my naked body up and down while  shivering and laying in blood. He smiled and and kissed me on the cheek and told me he would be back for me whenever he wants, he then spit on me, as he left he slammed the door. I shivered in pain and fear since ive never done that with a guy before, i was traumatized from it. My body couldnt stop shaking it was shaking like a leaf on a tree in a breezy fall day. My mind was racing, i didnt know what to do, i closed my eyes and just cried, I was up all night crying and shivering, scared that he would be back.

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