Jump on the City

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Two days had passed since their run-in with Ravager and Lady Victim, and the trail had only grown colder. Y/n and Dick had been relentless in their search for any leads on H.I.V.E., to no avail. Now, an attack on the transport vehicle supposedly securing Lady Victim suggested Ravager's handiwork, complicating matters further.

In their motel room, Y/n was hunched over his laptop, which was linked to the Batcomputer, scouring databases for any hint of H.I.V.E.'s existence. Yet, every query returned void, as if the organization was a ghost, leaving no digital footprint whatsoever.

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting warm beams across Y/n's back. He yawned, the heat inviting the thought of a brief nap. Just as he considered resting his head against the cool surface of the desk, the door swung open.

Dick entered, his arms laden with fresh towels. "Find anything?" he asked, hopeful.

"Not yet," Y/n murmured, resigning himself to a moment of rest, his eyes fluttering shut.

"It's been two days, and still nothing," Dick lamented, dropping onto the bed with a frustrated sigh. "What can we do differently?"

He turned his head towards Y/n, expecting a response, only to find him already asleep at the desk. Watching him, Dick couldn't help but mutter, "A nap might not be so bad," before the exhaustion of the past 48 hours claimed him too, and he drifted off to sleep.

A New Light

Y/n and Dick strolled through Jump City under a high sun, enjoying a rare moment of respite. A gentle breeze wafted through the streets, providing a brief reprieve from the warmth. Around them, the city buzzed with life; teens lounged in coffee shops, and the aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air from nearby cafes.

"This city's nice," Dick remarked, his gaze wandering appreciatively over the vibrant scene.

"You're telling me," Y/n agreed, his attention caught by a bronze statue of a Jump City baseball player captured in mid-swing. "I still can't believe a place like this exists so close to Gotham. You'd think Gotham's bad vibes would've rubbed off here."

"Do you think Bruce will manage to track us down? We kinda just bolted," Dick mused, a hint of concern threading his voice.

"He's Batman. Of course, he'll find us eventually. Plus, I bet the school's been calling to report our absences," Y/n replied with a shrug, seeming unconcerned.

"Let's try to figure out this H.I.V.E. situation before he decides to make an appearance," Dick suggested, his tone determined. Just then, his stomach growled loudly. "But maybe we should grab some food first."


Dick and Y/n found themselves in a bustling smoothie shop that doubled as a wrap joint, its popularity evident from the crowd of teens inside on a Saturday. The air was fragrant with the distinct aromas of fresh fruits—strawberry, orange, pineapple—each scent distinct and invigorating.

"You know, I still can't wrap my head around your preference for mango over strawberry in smoothies. It's like you're a stranger," Dick teased as they waited in line.

"Mango just has more personality, you know? Strawberry is a little too... ordinary for my taste," Y/n countered with a nonchalant shrug.

"Ordinary? Strawberry is classic. There's a reason it's a top-tier flavor," Dick argued with a playful scoff. "Anyway, did you check out the updated tactical gear files from Bruce? That new grappling hook has a quick-release mechanism now."

A New Light (Teen Titans x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now