Shell Triangle Kerchief

13 1 0

This triangle is designed to lengthen and widen evenly for those who require a bit more coverage without extra bulk.

I used a 3.5 mm hook and a 3 weight Red Heart Comfort Sport yarn in Hot pink.

Use a magic circle or ch 4 and make a loop.

Row 1- Ch3 , 1dc, ch2, 2dc, *ch2, 2dc* two times. [four blocks made]

Row 2- Turn, sl st across the first block to the two chain loop, ch3, (1dc, ch2, 2dc) in the same loop, ch3, 1sc in the next two chain loop, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in the last chain loop.

Row 3- Turn, sl st across the first block to the two chain loop, ch3, (1dc, ch2, 2dc) in the same loop, ch3, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in sc in middle, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last two ch loop.

Row 4- Turn, sl st across the first block to the two chain loop, ch3, (1dc, ch2, 2dc) in the same loop, ch3, 1sc into three ch loop, ch3, 1sc in ch1 space, ch3, 1sc in next three ch loop, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last two ch loop.

Row 5- Turn, sl st across the first block to the two chain loop, ch3, (1dc, ch2, 2dc) in the same loop, ch3, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in first sc, 1sc in next ch space, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in next sc, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last two ch loop.

Row 6- Turn, sl st across the first block to the two chain loop, ch3, (1dc, ch2, 2dc) in the same loop, ch3, 1sc into three ch loop, ch3, 1sc in ch space, ch2, 1dc in sc, ch2, 1sc in ch space, ch3, 1sc in next three ch loop, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last two ch loop.

Row 7- Turn, sl st across the first block to the two chain loop, ch3, (1dc, ch2, 2dc) in the same loop, ch3, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in first sc, 1sc in next ch space, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in top of dc, 1sc in next ch space, (3dc, ch1, 3dc) in next sc, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last two ch loop.

Basically you will repeat rows 6 & 7 adding one shell every second row until the triangle is the desired size to fit your head. I suggest you end with a shell row for a nice finish.
Happy hooking.

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