Chapter One

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This has to be the absolute worst way to start my day off.

I somehow overslept and didn't hear my alarm go off, so I literally have to rush to get ready. Normally I like to be at the airport at least two hours before my flight is supposed to leave, but that is not going to happen today.

I hurriedly throw on my sweatsuit that I had laid out on the chair in my room, put some more deodorant on, put my slides on, and rush into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I take off my headscarf and spray my hair with the spray bottle on the countertop. At times like this I am so glad that I decided to do the big chop—I don't have to spend much time on my hair. After I wet it, all I have to do is add some leave in conditioner, oil, and curling cream and I'm good to go.

After I'm done in the bathroom, I go back into my room to grab the stuff for my flight: my suitcase, carry-on bag, and my neck pillow. Even though I just graduated college, I still stay at home with my parents. One, because my parents don't mind if I stay here a little longer and two, this economy is outrageous. I cannot afford to live on my own right now.

I'm surprised my mom didn't come in and wake me up. She normally does when I don't get up after my alarm goes off.

When I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room, I see her on the couch reading news articles on her phone.

"Look who decided to wake up." She side eyes me.

"Mama, why you ain't wake me up?" I chuckle.

"You got time. You won't miss your flight." She waves me off and stands up. She grabs her purse and keys off the coffee table. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." I nod my head and we make our way outside to her car.

My mom, Latrice, is more of the laid-back parent. She is also the carefree one, the one who just goes with the flow and believes everything happens for a reason. Knowing her, she'll probably say the reason she didn't wake me up is because it doesn't hurt my body to get a little more rest.

My dad, on the other hand, is more logical and practical. He is always on time and everything has to be perfect. I'm fact, he's the type to be at the airport three hours earlier than the flight is supposed to leave.

Somehow the two balance each other out. That's how I believe that they've been married for so long. She brings out the childish and playful side of him. He keeps her grounded and makes sure she knows there is a time and place to be serious or playful. Between my siblings and I, I honestly think I act the most like my mom. Not just like her, but similar to her in ways. I'm the youngest of all of them and the last one to leave the nest, so to speak. All of my older siblings have moved out already. It's four of us. The two older ones have children already. My nieces and my nephews are my pride and joy.

When we get to the airport, my mom gives me her speech of texting me and keeping me updated on my whereabouts. We bid our goodbyes and I roll my suitcase through the double sliding doors. Surprisingly my mom is right, I still have time to chill before they start boarding, even though I got here a little later than usual. I just sit back and relax and pop my earphones into my ears.


The flight isn't long at all, only four hours away from the airport I departed from. After going through baggage claim, I tell my cousins that I am on my way outside. I have finally arrived to Las Vegas! I haven't been here since high school when we were visiting family. It's going to be a completely new experience, seeing that I am of age now.

My cousin Savannah squeals and runs up to me when she sees me walking outside with my suitcase rolling beside me.

"Oh my gosh! Girl I missed you!" She says, wrapping her arms around me. She nearly makes me fall over from the force of the hug. She misses me and that's alright with me because I might have missed her more

"I missed you too." I laugh, rocking her body from side to side in the hug.

Savannah and I are the same age. She's my first cousin. Her mom and my mom are sisters. Some people even say we look just alike. The first thing they ask us is if we are siblings and we always laugh and tell them that we are cousins.

Her siblings are in the car waiting for me. I see them waving at me once I break away from the hug. I'll be here in Vegas for three weeks. It is my graduation gift to myself for all the work I've been doing for the past five years. It took me five years to graduate with my bachelors instead of four. I failed a few classes that I had to retake and I also changed my major somewhere in between. It doesn't matter, though, I still walked across that stage and will forever be proud of myself for it.

When we get to my cousin's house, I'm amazed at how big it looks. They have moved to a different house since the last time I came out here to visit them. Savannah still stays at home with my aunt and uncle. All of my other cousins have their own apartments. However, it's more space for their grandkids to come over and stay.

I am not surprised by the fact that my Auntie Nettie is outside waiting on the porch for us to get here. Her name is Antoinette but we call her Nettie for short. Well, partly for short and partly because I couldn't pronounce her name when I was little. 

Gregory, the oldest sibling, puts the car in park in the driveway. Monica, the second eldest, hops out of the car first and tells Gregory to pop the trunk. Savannah and I are the last ones to get out of the car. By the time I make it to the trunk, Monica has already pulled my belongings out of it. Gregory picks them up from the ground and hauls them to the front door. My Auntie Nettie and Uncle Edmond raised some respectful and helpful kids. I have always admired that fact about them.

"Hey baby!" Auntie Nettie shouts, waving her arms at me.

"Hey, Auntie Nettie." I say as I walk up to her and engulf her in a big hug.

"Edmond is at work right now." She says to me once she breaks away from the hug. "So, he'll see you later on tonight."

"Okay." I nod my head. 

We all go into the house and they settle my things in the guest bedroom before giving me a tour of the house. It is a five bedroom, four bathroom house. It also has a nice patio and pool in the back, which is going to come in handy for these hot summer nights. The kitchen is like one of those kitchens you see in a home magazine.

"So, what y'all got planned for today?" Auntie Nettie narrows her eyebrows and looks between her children and I.

"What you mean?" Monica chuckles. "Why you gotta say it like we're up to some mischief or something?"

"Cuz half the time we are up to no good." Gregory laughs.

"True." Savannah chimes in. "I was thinking we could take her to the strip today. Since we all haven't gone since we were younger."

"Okay, that sounds cool with me." I say. "Might need a shower first."

"Yeah, I thought I was smelling something funky." Gregory scrunches up his nose in disgust.

"Boy, shut up." I laugh. 

It is in this exact moment that I feel this trip is going to be one for the books. It feels just like old times but better. I am excited to see what this three week trip has in store for me. 

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