Chapter 1 - Aria

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The sun shone through the thick silky curtains as I heard the trumpets playing. "Uhhh, Father's back," I sigh as I roll out of bed. I took a deep breath in before taking in my bedroom in which I have spent most of my time in after my mother, Queen Isana, had passed. From the silky golden bed sheets, the pearly white cotton pillows with their beautiful golden embroidery, the large mirror above my bed frame to the different paintings hanging from all around my room.

Knock Knock Knock "Come in," I replied to the person knocking on my door, "Princess Aria, please excuse me, but your father, the King, has requested to see you", "You're excused and please let my father know I'll see him right after I get dressed", "Yes, your highness". As soon as the maiden had left, my ladies in waiting arrived. Dressed in all beautiful blue-ish silk with fine pearly white embroidery, they bowed before me before preparing my bath. "Your Highness, your bath is ready," Cynthia, my best friend and most trusted lady in waiting, called out. "Coming," I replied back while my other ladies in waiting helped me out of my night gown.

I approached the white marble bath tub as I slowly put my foot in and sank in the warm embrace of the water. "Cynthia," I called out to my best friend, "Yes, Your Highness," she said respectfully as she bowed her head, "Oh come on, close the door, and come here," I giggled playfully to her as she obeyed my order. For as long as I can remember, me and Cynthia have always been best friends. Maybe it was because her Mom was my Mom's right-hand maiden, and she basically grew up here in the castle.

"Is she here too?," I asked her curiously, "Unfortunately, Riri, she's here, I thought your father was going to leave her behind or heck. I thought she was at least going to get bitten by a snake and die due to how  careless she is in the jungle," I chuckled and replied while popping the bubbles in the water, "I don't even understand why my father decided to marry such a woman, she's vile, and cruel and selfish and-" "Aria", Cynthia placed a hand on my knee and looked at me with her big brown dark chocolate eyes.

Her eyes darkened suddenly, and she placed a hand on my knee, "Ri-," before she could say anything else, the door flew open, and she walked in, Rose-Mary Danbury, Queen Consort of East Sepik. "ARIA! Your father has been waiting for you for a  while now! Who do you think you are to make the King wait!?, HURRY UP! And stop conversing with scum of a commoner," she turned around, and I quickly wrapped a bathing robe around my body, "HOW DARE YOU!?, YOU think you can come in here and just insult my ladies in waiting like this! I WILL NOT HA-" Slap "Do not raise your voice at me girl, you do not want to know what I do to people like you," she gritted out of her teeth before taking her leave.

"Ari-," Cynthia spoke, but I interrupted her, "It is quite alright, Cynthy, I apologize she should have said that about you. You are as loyal as the sun rising in the morning. " She smiled at me while grabbing a towel to dry my hair. Rebecca, one of my ladies in waiting, carefully braided my hair long, wavy hair while finishing the bottom half in a royal bun. She carefully placed the diamond clip in before smiling at me, "All done Your Highness," "Beautiful," I complimented her skills before I stood. "Your Highness lift your arms for me please," I did as told while my ladies placed the purple corset over my body.

After the corset was placed, they carefully helped me put my dress on, which was a royal purple, with a fur finishing for the arms and lacing. "You look absolutely stunning, Your Highness," Cynthia said as she bumped my arms playfully.

The palace guards opened the door to my father's office, and the doors were pearly white with gold touches on them.

"Your Majesty, Princess Aria has arrived," my father raised a hand dismissively to dismiss the guard and Cynthia. "You wanted to see me, father," I spoke up, "Ah my Aria, I have called you here on this day to speak to you about something," my father said excitedly as he slid the papers that were on his table to the side "Please do tell me what it is exactly that you seem so excited about father", I replied curiously as I looked at his face, which I now noticed have had wrinkles appearing.

"You are getting married to the King of Morobe!," my father announced proudly, and my heart sank.

Hey guys and girls, let me know your thoughts about the first chapter🫶🏼

You should be expecting an update in a days time. Love ya'll ❤️

I know some of you all might have noticed that the purple dress above is actually from the show The Tudors.

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