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Sidharth sat in the car and closed the door. He told Rana Sahab that he wanted to be alone. He was sitting there with his eyes closed. He hadn't utter a single word after what Rana Sahab told him and even after that unexpected call from Manveer. He needed few minutes to gather himself after what he came across in last few hours, specially in last few minutes.

    On other side, Rana Sahab was really worried for Sidharth and now Aranya too after that call. He was not understanding what he was supposed to do in this situation? He couldn't let that Manveer snatched everything from Sidharth this much easily, specially when bade hukum sacrificed his life for this. There was one more thing, what if even after getting everything, Manveer will try to harm Aranya? He didn't have even 1% trust on that man. He knew that Manveer's words can't be trusted at all. He can go to any extent just to harm Sidharth in any way. He was feeling so helpless, worried and scared too.

   After sometime, he saw Sidharth starting the car. He got panicked and ran towards him.

   " Chote hukum, don't go alone. I will also come with you." Rana Sahab told him and tried to open the door but it was locked.

  " No, this is my battle and I have to fight it alone. I am giving you some work which you have to do. For now, go to our family advocate and my company's legal advisor too, arrange all the documents with their help, make sure that everything should be included in that. You have time till morning for this. After that, call me. I will come and sign those papers. Then, I will call Manveer. Am I clear?" Sidharth instructed him with straight face.

   " Chote hukum, I think, we should involve police because we can't trust Manveer at all. What if, even after getting everything, he will not return Aranya safely? What if, he will hurt her? We can't take any risk, right? Police station is here only. Let's go inside and tell them everything." Rana Sahab told him.

   " For now, you just do what I said to do.
I will handle rest of the things and yes, no one should know anything at all. Understood?" Sidharth said with little raised voice.

  Rana Sahab got clue that he can't argue anymore, so he just nodded his head. Sidharth started the car and went away from there, leaving a worried old man behind.

    " God, please have some mercy." Rana Sahab prayed to God and went to his car.

   Next Morning:-

   Sun just came into horizon with a new day removing the darkness of yesterday but not for Sidharth. He was sitting in his ancestral Shiv temple where he used to go on every month. Yesterday his mind was completely frozen after whatever happened. He thought he will go mad. So,  to get a grip on himself and stabilize his mind, he came to the temple and was sitting here since last night.

    He himself did morning rituals of temple and now was waiting for Rana Sahab to come there with all the papers.
He was preparing himself for fighting the last battle and end everything for once and all for everyone's peace of mind.

    After few minutes, Rana Sahab came there with their family advocate. Sidharth saw them and came out of the main hall of the temple.They sat near the pond of the temple .Without saying anything, Sidharth asked for the papers and started signing them one by one without even looking at them. Rana Sahab was really worried as those papers were not only about his family properties but his personal too as instructed by him.Basically, he will be left with nothing of his own after signing them.

   " Chote hukum, I think, you are making a huge mistake. Please think once again.
Manveer can only claim your family wealth, not your personal. It's illegal, in fact, he doesn't even deserve family's wealth also technically because he is not royal blood. Bade hukum had still given him much much more than what he truly deserves. Moreover, bade hukum had sacrificed himself to give you everything what is yours. You can't waste his sacrifice by giving everything to that undeserving man. Most importantly, what is the guarantee that he will be true to his words and won't harm Aranya after getting everything? Out of all people, you know it better that, we can't trust him at all. So, please think calmly and instead of fulfilling his nonsense demands, let's take police's help. Please listen to me, I am begging you." Rana Sahab pleaded to him with his folded hands.

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