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~~Storybrooke, [REDACTED] years into the curse~~

I winced as the lock to the house clicked open easily, feeling guilt crawl up my throat before I pushed it away. I'd be immensely grateful once Mr.Gold got us those farm animals, and with the promise of seeds to start growing some of our own food, I was more than ready to be done with this pastime. 

I refrained from sighing as I walked into the living room, my eyes immediately catching on the safe beneath the high-rise sofa. I contemplated it for a moment before moving on; they might be dumb enough to leave their side door unlocked at night, and also dumb enough to leave their safe somewhere visible, but surely they'd notice if money went missing from their safe. 

I crept my way into the kitchen, disbelief filling me as I realized that the pantry door was already open. 'What are the odds of that? It's like they want me to take food from them.' I mused, silently opening my old pack and stuffing a variety of food inside. I had learned early on that if you took too much of one thing, then the people would become suspicious. But a variety of items that they can't remember if they ate or not? Ten times easier to take.

When my pack was sufficiently full I quickly closed it up, turning around and flinching when I saw a cat standing behind me, watching curiously. 

I cursed under my breath, carefully side stepping it before hurrying towards the open door. I hissed when I tripped, staring incredulously as the cat howled and meowed. The damned thing had run in front of me and I had accidentally kicked it! I thought about giving it a proper kick when I heard the shuffling of footsteps above me. 

Cursing inwardly, I made my way to the door and shut it silently before taking off down the street; slowing to a casual stroll once I was two streets down. I breathed a sigh of relief as the sun began to rise, and soon I disappeared into the trees.

~~[REDACTED] months in the Glade~~

I made my way out of the Homestead, grumbling as I saw Minho putting his shoes on as I passed.  Despite my wishes, he had been able to pass my qualifications to be a Runner with flying colors, and nothing I said to Nick or Alby could change that. He had been running the Maze with me for the past two months, but today he was in for a surprise. The reminder had me holding back a  smirk, that shuck face might just klunk his pants when I tell him.

I nodded to Nick and Alby as I entered the kitchen, leaving them to eat while I shared a few words with Frypan before heading over to them with a plate of food. 

"Are you sure he's ready?" I gave Nick an exasperated look, "Yes Nick, I'm sure that shank is ready. Besides, he knows what to do to find his way back."

He rose a brow, "And you're sure you're not just saying this so he doesn't have to run with you anymore?" I snorted, he knew me so well. "Look I know I tried to pull that when he first became a runner, but despite how much I hate him I don't want him to die. As much as I hate to say it, he's useful when it comes to the maze. Now whether or not he can handle a Griever..." I trailed off as they shushed me, looking around superstitiously. I deadpanned, "He's fine. They only seem to come around me when I'm alone," I scoffed. "Although I guess we'll find out if they go to anyone who's alone or just me once today is done."

"Alone? Don't tell me I'm not running today?"

I rolled my eyes and the three of us turned to face him, "Quite the opposite..." Nick muttered. Alby gave us both a look before turning back to newest Runner, "You're running on your own today ya shank, Mav is gonna give you the rundown before you two head off." His eyebrows shot to his hairline as an excited grin took over his features. I looked away.

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