New Habits

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Mav awoke with a jolt, a vague feeling of panic washing over her before the dream slipped from her mind like water. She sighed and sat up carefully, rubbing her eyes before getting up and looking out the makeshift window. She was up a little earlier than normal, but that didn't stop her from getting dressed and heading towards the kitchens.

They had all been in the Glade for about a month now, and her new habit of running the Maze had been solidified. She was still the only Runner, much to Minhos chargin. She had discussed the idea of having other Runners with Nick and Alby, and the three had agreed that they should wait until they all had established roles and routines before sending others out into the Maze. Despite Mav's teasing, Minho still persistently attempted to wake up shortly after Mav did; attempting to prove in anyway he could that he deserved to be a Runner. From waking early, to building his stamina, and to even practicing map drawing Mav had to admit: he was seriously putting in a lot of effort. 

Mav would think about bringing this up to Nick and Alby if he didn't try to infuriate her at every turn. 

Despite needing Mav's approval to become a Runner, Minho didn't seem to see a need to get on her good side. He remained his sassy, sarcastic self with his stupid nicknames that Mav despised. And it was for this reason that Mav made no effort to assist the boy; beginning with not making a sound when she left the homestead to make her way to the kitchens for a early breakfast and a lunch to go. 

Mav made her way down the rickety stairs silently, stepping on precise spots that she knew wouldn't emit a creak, and finally walked her way across the Glade and over to the kitchens. She smiled as she began to smell a heavenly smell, picking up her pace as the building grew nearer.

"Morning Fry," She murmured, hopping onto a stool nearby. "Morning Mav. Minho still not catching up to you?" She snorted, "As if. If he ever wants a chance to be a Runner then he needs to be up and ready before those doors open." Of course it was hard to know exactly what time the doors opened and closed, but one of the boys remembered a way of keeping track of the time by placing a stick in the ground and drawing lines a foot away from each other next to it. They said each line represented an hour, and so after watching the sticks shadow one morning, Mav took a guess that the doors opened at seven every morning. 

Fry chuckled, "You never go easy on him do you?" I gave him a half-humored grin. "Of course not." He dished out some bacon, eggs, and toast onto a plate and passed it to me, causing me to nod my thanks and begin scarfing it down as Fry prepped the others breakfast. We had gotten into this habit of enjoying each others company in the mornings before I left for the Maze; I think the both of us appreciated the quiet company before the rowdy ones woke up. It didn't take long or him to become my second friend. My eyes flitted over to the homestead as I thought of the others before quickly looking away as I saw a frantic body stumble out of their hammock. 

I resumed my gaze throughout the Glade and felt a tingle rush up my spine as my eyes landed on the box the others came out of. I shuddered at the feeling, frowning as the sensation seemed to be cut off. Was something going to happen with the box today? I contemplated not running the Maze but ended up shaking it off. I couldn't jump to conclusions based off a feeling... but then again, it didn't lead me astray in the Maze...

I groaned quietly as loud footsteps made their way to the kitchens, sharing an exasperated look with Fry as I quickly stood up and passed him my empty plate. He passed me a wrapped sandwich and a water bottle just as my least favorite person rushed their way in. Minho breathed heavily and seemed to barely hold himself back from hunching over as he stared at us, his eyes zeroing in on my sandwich before a frustrated expression fell over his face.

I rose a brow, propping a hand on my hip. "You're late."

He rolled his eyes, "The doors haven't opened have they? I still have time-" I mentally thanked the Maze as the doors opened at that moment. I gave him a sarcastic pout, "Aw, looks like you're out of time." I shouldered past him, calling a goodbye to Fry as I began to jog towards the door. I heard heavy footfalls behind me as I approached the opening, making me frown and turn, letting out a yelp as he practically ran me over. 

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