8| Sneak out Of Royalty

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Prithviraj looked at himself and cringed. He looked so... tacky. Shivansh forced him to wear a graphic t-shirt. It had a huge skull painted on the front with an extremely inappropriate tagline printed below it. 

If you're a baddie, I am your daddy.

"I am not wearing this." The monarch declared with disgust, and Shivansh looked up at him and grinned mischievously. 

"Why? You're looking so good in this outfit, Baba. I am helping you hide your age. Nobody can tell you have a sixteen-year-old son. You look dashing." Shivansh said, patting his father's shoulders and Prithviraj stared at him flatly. 

"I look like a thug. And I don't remember buying this t-shirt for you." Prithviraj commented darkly, and the kid shrugged his shoulders in response. 

"I got this customized by your royal tailor. I am the designer of this shirt. Isn't it too cool?" Shivansh asked him, and Prithviraj nodded his head sarcastically. 


"I'll inform Bahadur, he will get the car out—" Prithviraj started, and Shivansh snorted, shaking his head in answer. What else can he expect from the law-maker monarch? 

"It's not a sneak-out if you inform your guards, Baba. And if you get your royal carriage out, Your Highness, our plan will fail even before getting started. Kisne bana diya yaar aapko Raja?" Shivansh asked him, and Prithviraj cocked an eyebrow at the boy's smart mouth. 

"Tera yaar hu main?" The monarch asked the boy, who shrugged his shoulders. He smiled broadly at the man standing in front of him and placed his elbow on the monarch's shoulders. Though he tried to look cool but the height difference made him look funny. 

"Of course, you are. Aap mere sabse bade yaar ho. You're my best friend, Baba." Though Shivansh was being mischievous, he wasn't lying. 

All his life, he was embarrassed to be seen with his father. His mind always told him that grown-ups don't rely on their parents. He ignored his father for so many years that he forgot how it felt to have a father in his life. Now that he has an opportunity to rectify his mistakes, he won't take a step back. 

His father was his best-friend and he won't let anybody tell him otherwise. Not even his father. 

Prithviraj was shocked. All his life, his father taught him that fathers can never be friends with their children. He had no liberty to oppose his father, fight with him or even have a different opinion than him. He didn't even have the courage to joke or trouble his father, something Shivansh did so easily. 

The monarch couldn't understand what differed this time. Was it Shivansh, who was so bold that he called his father 'Yaar' and even proudly accepted it? Or was it he who was giving the little boy enough liberty to befriend him? Growing up, Prithviraj always wondered if fathers are meant to be heartless, or was his father a different case. But when Shivansh suddenly barged into his life, he found it very hard to be strict with him, let alone heartless. 

"Makkhan mat laga mujhe. And get smart with me again, I'll ground you." Prithviraj threatened him harmlessly, trying his best to get the emotional lump inside his throat to evaporate. 

"Threaten me again, and I'll create a havoc in your royal palace." Shivansh retorted back, showing his tongue to the monarch, who rolled his eyes in answer. 

"Do that, and see where it takes you." The threat wasn't scary at all, but the promise in his father's voice made the boy gulp. He smiled nervously, wiping the invisible dust off his father's oversized t-shirt. 

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