Chapter 16

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As we walked toward Dockus's room, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Christopher and Han. They looked normal... if they weren't occasionally staring at each other's compass.

After wrestling with his brother, Keeho managed to unlock the keyhole and opened the door for us.

Even with the Vaseline, the smell was still powerful. Peter stopped by the door, leaning on the door frame. "Fuck." Han was never good with dead smells– I handed him the Vaseline to put on.

Christopher seemed unfazed by the smell, as he casually walked over to the bed.

"So, Detective Cynthia, can you tell us what you've found from this scene?" He asked, completely ignoring the fact that he had called me by my name only a few moments ago.

I nodded, his formality fizzing onto me with each step I took toward Christopher. I need to remember that I'm a "Detective".

"The victim– Mr. Dockus– was injected with a substance, which was the most likely the cause of his death. He was also stabbed in the anterior pelvic region."

"He was stabbed on the dick?" Peter said from the doorway.

I sighed. "Keeho, close the door." What would the servants think if they saw an assistant like this? It would most likely ruin his reputation.

As the door clicked shut, I continued. "The killer then cut off Mrs.... er, the female's neck, silencing her. The killing itself would have taken less than 2 minutes max, but I'm not sure how long he waited for the opportunity."

"So how did the killer get in?" Christopher asked.

I pointed to the door. "They picked the lock on this door."

"But how did the killer know that they were going to be, you know," Keeho asked.

"Maybe they knew of the that was taking place. If you're going to kill someone, you study them beforehand," I said. "This killer is organized, well, mostly." I walked over to the end of the bed. "They didn't bother to wipe off the trail of blood the injection left. They're an organized killer still in the making."

"Guys," Peter had moved onto the couch. "Are we just going to ignore the fact that he was stabbed in the dick?"

Christopher and I sighed. Keeho pinched the bridge of his nose. The author shook her head.

"Don't take it so personally Peter." Christopher said, at the same time I said, "Well it's most likely cut off than stabbed at this point." Christopher glared at me. I shrugged it off.

Peter stared at both of us, wide-eyed.

"I'm here to tell you the facts, not to comfort you. But Christopher is right; don't take it so personally."

"You're lucky you're not in my kingdom right now," Christopher said, bumping my collarbone with his fist.

I grinned at his face. "I know, right?"

I walked over to the head of the woman. "Now, he was your military advisor, correct? So are you aware of who this person may be?" I pointed to the bald head that looked like Chan's.

"No." Christopher was still glaring at me.

"Dude you need to look at this head, not mine."

"I only see a head that is begging to be cut off," he growled.

"Oh! I think I know!" Peter held up a card in his hand. We all turned to look at him. He shrunk slightly under our stares. "I mean, I think this is her." Han read the card out loud. "Bunny Bar– Mary Christine– Massage Specialist."

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