10: The Light

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(FYI: this is when the story switches POV’s from 3rd to 1st)

“Eclipse? Eclipse! Eclipse, can you hear me? Eclipse?!”
My eyes finally opened. Only slightly, though. Was that all just a dream? My vision is blurry. And I can’t see anything. But I can hear something. No, someone. I can’t point out who it is yet, all of my senses are still getting used to working again, after all. But I know someone is saying something. I slowly get used to the area around me, my senses coming back into play. I can see metal walls with dull but surprisingly bright colored wires and tubes. And then I see the scoop. I remember now. The Star. Is it out of me? I can’t tell. I feel surprisingly tired. Like an adrenaline crash (If that even exists).  As I get my senses back, I see a weird-looking figure that I can’t quite get out. But it looked pretty big. But not big as in tall and scrawny. But big as in tall tall. Like…
My vision, as much as the rest of my senses, finally recovered and I slowly sat up. And I saw her.
“Eclipse! Thank the stars! I was worried you were.. Gone.. but you're not! What happened? Someone just sent an email to me to this place saying, Don’t haste. Go there now.”
I thought for a moment. Who could that even be? I didn’t tell Killcode about the scoop or the real plan to get the Star out. Was it Solar Flare? Haven’t heard from him in a while.
“Do you know who it was?”
“Nope. It was an unknown messenger.”
Earth looked away, looking anywhere else.
“It’s ok that you don’t know. I guess.. I’m just happy to have someone right now.”
Earth looked back at me, then smiled, “It’s ok, Eclipse. I can see that you’ve changed from when I first met you.”

(Ahhhh idk what to do... we made about two or three different stories that connect with this one and they swap stories at different times, do you all want a Lil treasure hunt?)

Eclipses Interlude; An Eclipse Redemption ArcWhere stories live. Discover now