6: To destroy the Star

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He had two plans; to give the Star back to Sun and Moon, or to destroy it somehow. He would probably do the second one, to not disturb Sun and Moon. They hated him. And he didn’t wanna be a bother. Not anymore. But at the same time, if giving them the Star, he could prove that he wasn’t lying. Wait. He had another plan. Something better. He looked in a mirror nearby. He didn’t even recognize himself anymore. But that didn’t matter. What did matter was getting rid of the Star. And he knew who he needed. The only person who still knew about the Star’s creation. Even if they couldn’t tell him how to get rid of it, he could still try. He needed to trust the only one who could help him at this point. He knew Moon’s old memories were gone, so he couldn’t ask him. He thought for minutes on end. Who could help him? Wait. Eclipse got up from the chair he was sitting in, “Killcode.. Killcode! I need to talk to Killcode! He was the only other person who would know about the Star.” He paused. Would Killcode even trust him? “Huh.. no time like the present, I suppose. All I have to do is find him..”

Eclipses Interlude; An Eclipse Redemption ArcWhere stories live. Discover now