Chapter 4 - Adoption day

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It had been two weeks since Sabine Tom's wedding and they chose to spend their honeymoon in the artistic land of Japan.

Home to delicious sushi, unique clothing, peaceful gardens with spiritual serenity and the Sakura flowers, which means cherry blossom tree in English and a celebration was held every year for these gorgeous flowers.

It was a bright, sunny day for the newlyweds last day of their honeymoon and would soon be heading back to shanghai today.

Tom was the first to have woken up as he loudly yawned and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, before staring down at his nude wife who was still deeply sleeping.

The brunette man started to feel his manhood pulsating as it was strongly erecting in the air as he too was stark naked, so he got up and sat in between his lovers legs, staring at all the sexy female organs she owned that were making him turn on already as he spreaded her legs out.

"Oooh! You look absolutely scrumptious, my sweetheart! And I know you're just as horny as me!", he mocked as he saw her becoming wet already.

"Yes I am, babe! And I love how your dick always gets so big just for me and my pussy never gets fed up of you!", Sabine spoke loving as she fluttered her eyes open to meet his gaze.

The love birds locked eyes and list themselves in each others mesmerising pupils as they cupped one another's cheeks and closed their eye, leaning in for a deep kiss in the lips as they moved their hands upwards.

After a good, two long rounds of sex, the nude happy couple were know lying down on the double bed on their sides, staring into each others magnificent pupils as they reached their hands out to caress their cheeks with their thumb as they listened to one another catching their breaths.

"Know all I want is to enjoy my very last shower in this hotel with the sexy love of my life making me feel like the most blessed man in the world!", Tom broke the silence as he placed an arm under his wife's bare knees and his other arm around the small of her back, carrying her into the lavatory with him.

Once they had stepped into the shower and closed the glass door behind them, the brunette man turned the taps on, letting the temperatured water rain over their stark naked bodies as he placed his significant other in front of him to start washing her hair, while she was purposely sticking her hands in between his thighs to make him feel really good.

While the married man was spreading the shower gel over his significant others back after lathering it in his hands, making her feel totally relaxed as she was deep in her thoughts.

She then turned around and received a passionate kiss on her forehead as her hubby cupped her cheeks, moving her hands downwards to knead her hardening nipples.

"Darling! You know we both want to be parents, but can't due to infertility, we'll I looked at a few adoption sights and found a baby bluenette girl who's up for adoption. I'll show you after we've both finished in here!", his wifey placed a hand to his member, causing her to subconsciously teeth with the slightest of her touches as they continued to cleanse each other.

Eventually, the newlyweds had came out of the bathroom after an hour and they both hit dressed into matching jeans and jumpers with the words written 'I love you' across their chests.

"Here's the girl I was telling you about, dear! Her names called Marinette and she's up for adoption in the care home called family tree in shanghai!", Sabine sat down on the double bed and showed him the picture on her laptop.

"She's beautiful and she's got your hair, so it won't be a surprise if she's our daughter, even if she's not biologically ours, we will still love her as our own!", Tom spoke lovingly and pecked her lips.

The new loving couple rapidly folded their clothes to pack into their bags, while sneaking their hands down each others underwear to feel the fresh smelling skin of their buttocks.

Once the newlyweds had finished packing, they interlaced their fingers and headed downstairs, leaving the keys with the receptionist at the desk, before getting into their taxi that was waiting for them outside to drive them towards the Airport.

They went through all the necessary checks to ensure a secure and safe flight as they boarded the plane and sat in their seats, sharing savage kisses all over each others faces once the plane had come off the runway and was now in the air.

They arrived at the Airport in China at eleven o'clock in the morning and once the plane had landed, they had their suitcases checked fir any illegal weapons or drugs, before going through a body scan and pat down.

After all the checks had been done, they got into the rental Ford that they had paid for and the bluenette woman got behind the wheel as her husband got into the passenger seat after packing their suitcases into the back of the car.

She drove towards the care home where their new daughter was awaiting them. They found a parking space really close to their destination and they walked the short distance to the building and knocked on the door.

The door instantly opened and the head of the family tree stood in front of it, greeting the strange couple with a happy smile on his face.

"Hello! How can I help you?", he questioned cheerfully, "hi, we've come to adopt Marinette to be our daughter!", Mr Dupain and Mrs Cheng replied in unison.

"Ok, come inside!", he moved his body, so the two adults could walk into the home of the many children living under the loving and compassionate care of him and his female co-worker.

It took about two hours to sign all the adoption documents in the office of the care home, but at last they finally had their baby girl with blue hair in their arms, making them parents and they gave her both of their last names, calling her:

"Marinette Dupain Cheng!".

Meanwhile, the moonlight turned red, signalling the day of the magical eclipse that caused the wall to open as it made the bracelet on Wu Shifu's wrist glow to the secret cave.

He kneeled down in front of it as he was desperate to protect the secret he had been carrying with him for several years as it was now in danger.

"Shame on us, master! Our Kung Fu is not up to your teaching!", the three of his last remaining students in his school bowed down and ran away.

"Wait! You still have so much to learn!", he followed them to try to bring them back and he saw Cash, a greedy, selfish man, who only cared about wealth gave them money as he wanted the land that his school was built on.

"What had become of the ancestral values? Courage, honesty, loyalty?", Cash was working with allies to do all he could to force the master to sell his school.

"The greed of the world was destroying everything. His school was his life, and his students were like his children. Without a family of his own, he would have no-one to pass on his legacy and all the responsibilities that came with it. To whom would be entrust his heavy secret? What if no-one was there to protect the Sacred Cave during the next Magical Eclipse?", Wu Shifu returned to his school through the passage crossing a waterfall and sat down for a moment as he was now alone, he had lost all hope.

A second later, he heard a baby crying loudly at the entrance of his school and runs over to see if the little one is alright.

He opened the door and saw a little girl wuth dark hair wrapped in cloths lying right in front if his feet, "hello little one! Do you not have a mommy or daddy?", he rhetorically questioned as he took her inside the school.

The little baby instantly stopped screaming and started giggling at the sight of Wu Shifu's face as he lifted her into her arms and became her adoptive father.

"I'm going to name you Fei. In Mandarin it means to fly in the sky!", Wu Shifu felt an instant connection to the baby that he had just met and that's how Fei got her adoptive parent, through fate.

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