In that moment, I had seen beyond the polished facade he wore like armor, glimpsing the inner turmoil that drove him to seek power at any cost. There was a vulnerability in his gaze that belied his ruthless exterior, hinting at a depth of longing and pain buried beneath layers of cunning deceit. My heart ached with the weight of that memory, the echoes of a past life intertwining with my present reality in a way that left me breathless.

As Adonis lifted his head, sensing the shift in my demeanor, his piercing blue eyes locked onto mine, filled with an unspoken understanding and unwavering loyalty. He nudged me gently as if to offer comfort in the face of the turmoil brewing within me.

I took a deep breath, releasing the tension that had knotted my shoulders. The memories of Princess Annalise and the looming shadow of King Jamison's ambition stirred something primal within me—an ancient sense of duty and purpose that transcended time and space.

Rising to my feet, I met Adonis's gaze once more, a silent vow passing between us. I could feel the weight of his loyalty anchoring me, grounding me in the present even as echoes of the past reverberated within me.

As I made my way through the gardens, the soft rustle of leaves and fragrant blooms enveloping me, my thoughts turned to King Alexander. His unwavering support and belief in me had been a beacon of light amid uncertainty. I knew I carried not only the legacy of Princess Annalise but also the hopes of a grieving father who had found solace in my presence.

Approaching the castle gates, I was greeted by the sight of King Gregory's envoy waiting for an audience. Prince Ethan stood at their head, his expression a mix of curiosity and guarded respect. As I drew near, his eyes met mine, and a flicker of recognition crossed his features before he schooled his expression into neutrality.

"Lady Lizzy," Prince Ethan greeted me with a slight bow, his voice a blend of formality and underlying warmth. "I hope I find you well today."

I returned his nod with a polite smile, acknowledging his presence with a curtsey befitting my station.

"Prince Ethan, it is a pleasure to see you. Your visit is most welcome."

The tension in the air was palpable as the envoy and Ethan exchanged glances, the weight of their unspoken thoughts hanging between us like a heavy shroud. It was clear that their motives extended beyond a mere diplomatic encounter, and I braced myself for the conversation that was sure to follow.

As we entered the castle, the grandeur of the halls never failed to impress me—a stark contrast to the simplicity of my life as a corrections officer. The tapestries adorning the walls whispered tales of battles fought and alliances forged, a reminder of the intricate web of politics that surrounded us.

Leading Prince Ethan and his entourage to the council chambers, I couldn't help but feel the eyes of the court following our every move. Whispers trailed in our wake, speculating on the nature of Prince Ethan's visit and the implications it held for the kingdom. I knew that every word exchanged within those hallowed walls would have repercussions far beyond the confines of the castle.

Sitting at the head of a long, polished oak table, I gestured for them to take their seats. With a slight nod, Prince Ethan claimed a chair to my right, his gaze never leaving mine. He projected an air of regal authority, yet beneath that veneer of aloofness, I sensed a genuine concern that intrigued me.

"Lady Lizzy," he began once we were all settled, "I won't beat around the bush. King Jamison...he's mobilizing his forces. We've reason to believe he intends to move against us."

The words hung heavy in the air as I absorbed his grim news. Searching his eyes I could see no deception as various reactions rippled through the room - hushed gasps and widened eyes, whispers barely contained under breaths, and stiff bodies straining with anxiety.

My ReincarnationWhere stories live. Discover now