Wangji groans and tried to shake the werewolf of him. But he was on his side and could not do much. Chenqing jumped up and launched at the werewolf grabbing him by his leg and shunk his fangs into his leg. He violently shook it. His grip strong until the werewolf let go of his mate. Chenqing lifted him up in the air and swing him before he let him go making the werewolf fall a few feet away.  Wangji's white fur was coated in blood as he stood up. He could already feeling his wound healing as he growl an angry growl before launching an attack not caring if his wound were fully healed yet.

He pounded on the werewolf uncaring at the resentful energy attacking him. His fangs caught the shoulder blade of the werewolf and he let it sink in as a guttural howl of pain left the werewolf. He shook as his fangs deep deeper before he tasted the metallic taste of blood on his tongue and mouth ripping the werewolf's flesh right off before spitting it out. But the resentful energy were merciless in its attack and wangji had no choice but to retreat.

The resentful energy immediately started healing the werewolf. He stood up and shook his black fur out. Fury and hatred could be smelled in the air around them and he growls at the wolf's in front of him. The white and the black wolf surged forward but this time the resentful energy let them through and Boashan who has been watching realise to late.

"Wangji. Chenqing be careful."

She screams but it was too late the werewolf lifted his front paw which was dosed with poison and slapped them both making sure his claws went through fur and connected with their skin. He slammed his claws into their skins drawing blood making sure that it was deep enough. Another black wolf launched forward grabbing the werewolf by the side of his neck and let its fangs in deep locking it in place before violently shook it making it retract its claws and then the wolf threw him away.

Pained howls echoed through the field as the white and black shifted into their human form. The poison were working fast and they were panting and sweating as they both fell to the knees. Boashan shifted into her human form and rushed over to where her two grandsons were. She immediately took a small bag out of her robes and threw the content into the palms of her hand. She was so worried she did not realise that the werewolf were stalking towards the three of them with the intent to finished what he had started. She forced the two beads into their mouths and after making sure they had taken it she relaxed just a little.

Wen Zhuliu had lost the trail of the red wolf but picked it up again. He could see the red wolf appearing and disappeared in front of him until a painful and an utterly distraught sound reaches his ears. He came to the conclusion that something bad must have happened. Painful and distraught howls went through the Cloud Recess as well as the four children shifted unintentionally into their wolf forms. Their howls brought tears to all of those in the Cloud Recess.

The red wolf who never stopped running even as the pain of loss surged through his body just started running faster. He is close so close. As he ran as fats as the wind ghost and resentful energy screeches and howls around and above him but he paid them no mind. His parents are on the verge of death. He reached the open field just as the black monstrosity lifted his paw to ready to strike Boashan as well. He did not think he just did. He launched forward and mid air he let his claws out. Slapping the werewolf across its face so hard you could hear bones break.

When he landed the red wolf took a protective stance between his parents and grandmother his eyes. One a blazing red and the other a blazing gold. His upper lip were pulled back over his teeth and fangs.
His red fur blowing in the wind and as the sun rays hit it. It looked like a volcano of golden lava. His growl send shivers down his grandmother's spine and back but she wasn't the only one the werewolf who finally got back on all fours where practically shitting himself.

Two Worlds CollidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora