Chapter 22

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Lan Wangji and his family lead the pack as they walked through the gates of Nightless City. Scanning the roofs. They saw archers ready to shoot at them at a minute notice and the sects standing in front of them. They came to stop just a few feet in front of the chief cultivator and the other sects. As soon as they did Wen Rouhan and the others took the fighting stance with their hands on their swords hilts. Both Huaisang and A-Sang infused spiritual energy into their fans and sharp arrow heads appears. Qing-jie slipped a few needles between her thumb and her other four fingers. The tips where dipped in poison.

"Today I will show you and your family who is the alpha in this timeline. You are going to wish that you never time travel here. Your bodies will rot here and thrown in the burial mounds where your souls would wander forever."

The chief cultivator spoke and let out his alpha pheromones that reeks of dominance. His pheromones rolls of the alpha and omega standing in front of him like water of a ducks back.

"Well if we are going to play the power game me and my omega will show you all why we are the alpha of all alphas and the omega of all omegas."

He said as he lifts his hand and a powerful wave of spiritual energy swept through the place directed at the archers and they all fell of the roof dead.


He gave the order. After all they came here to fight not being string along. Wen Rouhan and Wen Zhuliu went for the chief cultivator and his handsman they just had enough time to draw their swords before Rouhan and Wen Zhuliu's swords came down. Wen Xu did not wait either he let loose on his past self with vigor. Boashan Sanren went for the two Jiang sect leaders. Did she care that the woman had only one arm of course not. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan fought side by side with passion. Jiang Cheng tried sneaking up on Wei Ying but Lan Jingyi grabbed him from behind and threw him across the ground.

He slowly stalked towards him. His sword hanging by his side. He gave the sect heir time to get up as he bares his teeth.

"Only a coward sneaks up on someone. Are you afraid to face him face to face. Scared that you won't be able to beat him."

Lan Jingyi said with a chuckle and that only angers the Jiang sect heir more. He bares his own teeth at the young alpha as he readied himself for the fight.

"Eager to die I see."

Lan Jingyi said as he launched himself forward and at the last minute just as Jiang Cheng's sword came up to defend he moved to the side and kicked the Jiang sect heir against the side of his head. Making his ears ring instantly and his head dizzy. Lan Jingyi did not give him time to recover before he slams his knee straight into his stomach making Jiang Cheng gasps for breath before he stab his sword right through his heart and gave it a twist. Before he dragged it out and let his dead body fell to the ground. Not looking at him he went right back fighting along side siblings.


Lan Wangji commanded just as Boashan was about to take Madame Yu's head clean off. She pulled her sword back and their friends and family fell back. Dead bodies laying all around them.

With out a word the two mates shifted and soon before them stood to enormous wolves. A white one and black one. Their power unmatched as many of the sects started to move back in fear. Red eyes and bright golden eyes bored right threw their souls.

"We are and aways be your superior. In power and in speed."

Wangji spoke as his dominant pheromones let fear running through their veins.


A-Ying said in his dominant voice and everyone of them fell to their knees and kneel."

It was just a small shift but just enough to make both of them reacted as a dart came flying right at the daughter. With a wave of their hands it landed just short of Lan Min on the ground.

Two Worlds CollidesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora