chapter 15

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chapter summary: This chapter is a bit more focused on James and the Hindu festival of light, Diwali. I wanted to write this chapter to show not only a bit more of James' Indian heritage but to give a general overview of part of Indian culture. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


The first two months of the marauders fourth year and Regulus's third year flew by and now it was November. This particular day James was jumping up and down, he was basically jumping of the walls of their dorm.
Slowly as they went down to the Great hall for breakfast Sirius asks "James mate, as much as I love you and all, I need you to do two things for me as of right now. First thing first. I need you decrease your energy by a bit and let me have some food before I can join you. Secondly why on earth are you so giddy?"
"I wish I can Sirius, but today is Diwali! And that means mum is going to be sending the sweets that she made and she's going to get me some new clothes, and I might even get some money!! That I can use for the upcoming Hogsmeade trip," James replies, his grin broadening even more.
"How come you never told us about it before?" Remus asked as Peter, Regulus and Sirius just nodded along.
"Well, the past three years it either came up on the weekend or on a Friday so I had the chance to nip home for a couple hours, before I had to come back," James replied shrugging.
"Wait, you are allowed to leave the school premises during the term time to go home, even if it isn't for family emergencies?" Regulus asks confusion clear on his face.
"Well, yeah. I mean, my parents told Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall about it. There are many festivals that Hindus follow, and they must have agreed that I go home for the main ones like Diwali, even if it is for a few hours, and if it is on a day that I won't be missing much like Friday or the weekend," James explained.
"But I've never seen any of the other students do that," Peter says, "So why do you get special permission?"
"Well, I don't think their parents know that they had the option, Pete. I'm sure they would have if they knew about it," James replied patiently answering all of their questions "Plus, I'm going to be at school today and won't be going home anyway."
By the time James had explained all of this, the five of them had gotten to the great hall and had taken their seats. The Gryfinndor fourth year girls also quite close by.
"When do you think, mail is going to come?" Peter asks eagerly looking up.
Just as the smallest of the Marauders asked a screech came from above, informing the hall that mail was here. All the students look up eagerly to see if they have gotten anything from home. James particularly seemed to be bouncing up and down in his seat. Most of Gryffindor looked at James when two owls, eagle owls landed in front of him with a large parcel. One of them Gryffindor knew to be his own, Artemis, the other owl was not that well known on the other hand.
Mary turns to James to ask, curious to see who's the other owl is "James why did two owls land in front of you? I know one of them is Artemis, but who is the other one? Eagle owls are quite expensive, aren't they?"
"This is Apollo, Artemis' brother. He is the family owl while Artemis is mine. Mum sent me some sweets, clothes and money for the upcoming Hogsmeade trip!" James explained.
"Why did your mum send you sweets and clothes? Money, I understand," Lily says, despite the animosity between the two Gryffindor's Lily was quite curious.
"Today is Diwali! We usually celebrate together, but this year I can't be home for it, otherwise I'll miss classes. So, mum sent me some sweets and clothes. It is part of tradition to receive clothes on Diwali, and they are usually traditional Indian wear!" James explained.
"What is the festival of Diwali about?" one of the older Gryffindor's ask, wanting to know more,
"It's the festival of lights to put it simply. There is a very long story behind why we celebrate it. I can tell you guys if you want?" James says, and after receiving nods he carries on "Okay, I'm going to tell you the condensed version, because if I go into detail, it's going to take me the entire day. So basically, there is a historical/ religious story called the Ramayana, and the main characters in it are Rama, Sita and Lakshmana. Ram is exiled for 14 years into the forest, and his wife, Sita, and younger brother Lakshman follow him into the forest, where they spend the next 14 years. The reason they are exiled is because of a wish, one of Ram's step-mothers make despite him being her favourite out of the four brothers. While they were in the forest, in the last year or so, Sita is kidnapped and taken hostage. Ram, Lakshman goes to find her and save her. In the process they gain an Army of monkey that help them save Sita. Upon the end of their exile when they return to their kingdom, Ayodhya, the people lit thousands of candles welcoming the three of them home. Diwali is the celebration of the victory of light over dark."
Everyone around James looked at him in awe. They obviously knew James was smart, he managed to get good grades, Transfiguration and DADA being his best subjects, despite not studying that much, but they saw another side to him today. A side that showed that he actually enjoyed learning, to remember this much and condense into a way that those that don't know the story or aren't of the religion can even understand.
"What?" James asked, looking around.
Despite being used to being the centre of attention he definitely wasn't used to be stared at when he was just sitting there.
"You didn't tell us you knew this much!" Sirius shouts
"Well, I don't speak of my religion very often, and I would have told you guys this years ago if you asked, but as I said it never came up till now, so I didn't think much of it," James replied.
"How did you learn all of this Prongs?" Regulus asked.
"I grew up hearing the story a lot. And Indian history/mythology is really interesting to learn about so I did some research about it whenever I could, at the library at home," James replied.
"Is this how you are able to get good grades in your exams even if you don't study?" Lily says almost accusatorily.
"Well no. I do study, it's just I also do a lot of other stuff it doesn't seem like I'm studying much. You can find me in the library very often actually, trying to get more material for some of our assignments. Ask Sirius, if you want. He knows where I am most of the time," James says.
Lily just looks over to the other half of the troublemakers with a raised eyebrow as if she was asking 'is what this idiot saying true?'
"Yes Evans. What James is saying is true. As much as he doesn't show it he is literally in the library way to often, trying to research various topics that interest him or to get his homework done for class. He's worse than Remus," Sirius says a small smirk on his face.
Just as Sirus finishes saying this Professor McGonagall comes over to where the fourth year Gryffindors where sitting.
"Mr. Potter, are you going to be going home today or staying here?" the head of house asked
"I'm staying at the Castle this year, Professor. Mum and dad agreed I will only come home if the festival lands on a weekend or on Friday, so I don't miss out on much school," James informed the teacher
"Very well, Mr Potter," McGonagall says "Professor Dumbledor has come to a decision about today and I thought you would like to hear it before he makes the announcement at the end of breakfast. Classes are cancelled today, so that everyone who celebrates this festival can have a day of and actually enjoy today. He has also asked the house elves to prepare some traditional Indian food for today. I would like to ask though, if you are comfortable giving a speech about today? So that those who don't know about the festival like myself can learn more?"
James and the rest of the marauders just stare up at McGonagall with their mouths hanging open. As much as they knew that their professor cared for her students they weren't expecting this.
"I think Professor McGonagall would like an answer James," The younger of the black brothers says snapping the four marauders out of their surprise
"of course professor I would love to," James said a grin forming on his face "When will I be doing this speech?"
"Just a bit after lunch, so you have time to prepare," McGonagall says before returning to her spot on the staff table "Have good day today James."


A/N: There are many chapters to come, i promise. I apologise for not updating very frequently but being in year 13 and exams coming up and the school year drawing to a close here in the UK for those doing their GCSEs and in Sixth form (More specifically year 13) next month, I am very busy with school at the moment. I have been having submission nearly every week along with revision for my exam. I promise I am working on new chapter and I will try to get them out for you guys very soon.

Good Luck for those with Exams coming up btw, I hope you do well and get into your dream Uni or sixth form.

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