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 When Sirius had left for Hogwarts, Regulus knew that there was no good coming out of it. But he was happy that his brother was getting out of the hell hole that they had called home. But as the news of Sirius getting sorted into Gryffindor came to their home, Regulus knew that he was screwed. Sirius had always been rebellious and went against everything that their parents said as it was already but now that he had been put into Gryffindor their parents were going to start on him. He always wanted to be like Sirius but now that seems like a distant dream.

When it was time for Regulus to go to Hogwarts, he was dreading it. One part of him wanted to please his parents and cousins and go into Slytherin and the other side of him wants to be like his big brother. The one that's protected him from so much till he left for Hogwarts. When he gets on the train to Hogwarts, his parents do not wave goodbye nor do they hug or kiss him wishing him a good time at the school. They nod at him and immediately apparate back to Grimmauld Place almost before he's pulled his trunk onto the train behind him.

It's nothing more than he expected. Last year, Regulus was permitted to wave to Sirius, but only because he was young. He's eleven now and supposed to behave more maturely. More maturely than Sirius, at any rate, which isn't saying much.

Regulus stays out of the way at home, and this summer had been no exception. His parents want him to go to Slytherin. His cousins want him to go to Slytherin. His grandparents probably want him to go to Slytherin, although they're subtle about it. Not like Bella, who's always telling Regulus it's his job to do better, or even Cissa, who talks to him nonstop about how nice the common room is and how elegant their uniforms are compared to the other houses.

Maybe Andy wouldn't have pestered him so much, but Regulus doubts he'll ever know one way or the other. Anyway, they all want him to go to Slytherin, except Sirius, who wants anything but. Regulus isn't sure what he wants, but he knows he isn't pleased by the idea of everyone telling him where to go. He wants to be sorted according to where he, Regulus, belongs, not according to where his family does.

Regulus pulls the crumpled bit of parchment out of the pocket of his robes and smoothed it out. This is the first step. He'd hesitated to accept Sirius's invitation to sit with him on the train. Being with Sirius is not exactly a clean slate. Regulus has been in the same rooms and houses and parties as Sirius all his life. However, Sirius and his friends are the only people on this train who aren't expecting Regulus to go to Slytherin. At least, they're the only people who aren't certain of it. That's good enough for Regulus. Sirius had given him directions to his usual compartment, and Regulus scrutinizes them now. Sirius's handwriting has gotten worse since he left for Hogwarts. Actually, perhaps it's gotten better. It's less elegant, but much easier to read.

He picks up his trunk and starts walking. The train is crowded, everyone in the aisle looking for their friends. Regulus doesn't want to shove his way through, so he slips through gaps, trying not to jostle people, keeping his head down, disappearing into the crowd for what may very well be the last time he can. After all he knows that once he is at Hogwarts it won't be possible. Naturally, it doesn't last.

He's made it about halfway to the compartment Sirius noted down when heels clack against the floor behind him and Cissa's voice says, "Hello, Regulus."

Regulus turns. "Hello, Narcissa."

Cissa is smiling, the close-lipped, careful smile of a Black in public, but she lets a bit of warmth show despite what her oldest sister thought she loved her cousins and middle sister a lot. Andromeda leaving had affected her massively despite her not showing it in public.

Her Head Girl badge is pristine, and she's wearing a matching barrette in her hair. "Are you looking for somewhere to sit? I believe Poppea Rookwood has arrived."

Gryffindor Black brothersWhere stories live. Discover now