Chapter 3

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Upon receiving the letter, Regulus felt a deep sense of urgency propelling him to find his elder brother, Sirius. No matter how much he yearned to be brave and follow in the illustrious footsteps of his sibling, there was a persistent, gnawing feeling of vulnerability that clung to him. With the letter clutched tightly in his hand, he set off on a mission to locate Sirius.

Regulus' quest began in the second-year dormitories, but to his dismay, Sirius and his gang were nowhere to be found. Frustration gnawed at him as he couldn't shake off the relentless anxiety that gripped his heart. So, Regulus ventured to the common room, hoping to intercept any second-year student who might know his brother's whereabouts.

As he stepped into the common room, his eyes scanned the area, and there, amidst the sea of faces, he spotted Lily. Her presence was a beacon of familiarity in the otherwise daunting sea of uncertainty. With hesitant steps, Regulus approached her, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "Hi, Lily. Do you happen to know where my brother is? I'm eager to speak with him, but I couldn't find him in the dorms."

Lily met his gaze with a warm, reassuring smile and said, "Hey, Reg, I hope you don't mind me calling you that, but your brother went off to visit Remus in the hospital wing with the rest of their gang. Is everything all right? You seem quite troubled at the moment."

Regulus heaved a sigh of relief. "I received a letter from home and just wanted to talk to Siri about it. I appreciate your help, Lily," he replied with gratitude before rushing off toward the hospital wing.

Upon entering the hospital wing, a stark contrast greeted Regulus. The unmistakable scent of a regular hospital invaded his senses, and he involuntarily scrunched his nose in distaste. Madam Pomfrey, the vigilant matron, noticed the first-year boy's discomfort and approached him with concern. "Are you okay, Regulus? Are you feeling unwell?" she inquired.

Regulus quickly assured her, "No, Madam Pomfrey, I heard that my brother was here visiting Remus, and I need to talk to him. Is it all right if I stay here and speak with him?"

Madam Pomfrey nodded kindly, "Of course, dear. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask," before returning to her duties at her desk.

Regulus then embarked on his mission to find Sirius, making his way through the hospital wing. As he reached the group of second-year Gryffindor boys, he greeted them with a polite nod.

Once the pleasantries were exchanged, Sirius turned his attention to his younger brother, curious about the reason for his visit. "What's up, Reg? What did you need to talk to me about?"

(the following French conversation may be wrong as I used Google Translate and don't know much French myself)

Regulus took a deep breath before sharing his concerns in French "J'ai reçu une lettre de notre mère (I got a letter from our mother)" 

Sirius' face turned pale, mirroring the gravity of the situation. "Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé?" he inquired, anxious to know the contents of the letter.

Regulus continued, his voice trembling, "que ma mère et mon père sont déçus que je sois placé à Gryffondor avec toi et qu'ils s'occuperont de moi une fois que nous serons à la maison pour Noël (that mother and father are disappointed in me being placed in Gryffindor with you and that they will deal with me once we are home for Christmas)" 

Sirius listened intently, absorbing the weight of their parents' disappointment. He replied with a tone of finality, "Nous ne rentrerons pas à la maison pour Noël cette année, Regulus. Nous nous en occuperons pendant les vacances d'été (We aren't going home for Christmas this year Regulus. We shall deal with this during summer hols)" 

Regulus felt a mixture of relief and dread at his brother's response.

"nous subirons tous les deux une punition pire que si nous retournions pour Noël. je ne veux pas que tu sois blessé davantage parce que tu me protèges. (we both will get a worse punishment than if we go back for Christmas. I don't want you to get hurt more because you are protecting me)" he confessed, revealing his vulnerable side.

"C'est mon travail de te protéger Regulus, tu es mon petit frère. Si je ne te protège pas, qui le fera ? En plus je ne vais pas m'arrêter maintenant, je t'ai toujours protégé, le jour où j'arrêterai est le jour où je mourrai (It's my job to protect you Regulus, you are my little brother. If I don't protect you who is? Plus I'm not going to stop now I've always protected you, the day I Stop is the day that I die)" Sirius says fondly

Sirius gazed at Regulus with a brotherly affection that was both protective and unwavering. 

"Très bien, alors on rentre à la maison pour les vacances de Noël. accord? (Fine, so we go home for the Christmas hols. deal?)" Regulus asks with a sigh 

"deal," Sirius says 

As the Black brothers turn to face the rest of their friends they see them all looking at them in awe. 

"Since when could you speak French?" James asked snapin out of his trance 

Sirius chuckled and replied, "Since always? The Black family is of French descent, and Regulus and I were required to learn French, among other languages, as part of our upbringing and studies."

James, ever the inquisitive one, couldn't help but ask, "So, what did your parents say in that letter, Regulus?"

Regulus hesitated for a moment, his emotions still raw from the contents of the letter, but he decided to share. "They expressed their disappointment in me being sorted into Gryffindor, especially with Sirius. They're planning to deal with me once we're home for Christmas."

Sirius couldn't help but feel a pang of anger at the thought of their parents' harsh judgment. He leaned closer to his brother and placed a comforting hand on Regulus's shoulder. "We'll face whatever comes our way, Reg. Together."

Peter, usually the timid one, spoke up next. "Do you think it's because of your older brother, Sirius? He's been a bit of a rebel, hasn't he?"

Sirius sighed, acknowledging the truth in Peter's words. "Yeah, it's probably because of me. But we can't change who we are, and we won't let their expectations define us."

Remus, who had been quietly observing the conversation, added, "Well, you both have us as your friends. We're like a second family, and we'll stick by you through thick and thin."

The sincerity in Remus's voice warmed Regulus's heart. He smiled appreciatively and said, "Thank you, Remus. And thanks to all of you. I'm lucky to have such supportive friends."

Their exchange reaffirmed the bond between the second-year Gryffindors. They might have their differences and occasional disagreements, but when one of their own was in need, they rallied together.

As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, the group of friends decided to make plans for the upcoming holiday break. They would not be returning home for Christmas, but that didn't mean they couldn't create their own festive traditions at Hogwarts. The prospect of staying at the castle with friends brought a sense of excitement and anticipation for the holiday season.

Regulus, having made peace with his situation and knowing that his brother had his back, felt a newfound sense of belonging in Gryffindor House. It was a reminder that true family was not solely defined by blood but by the bonds of friendship and support that they had formed at Hogwarts. Together, they faced whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to embrace the spirit of unity and adventure that their school years promised.

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