04 ; toast

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❝ me and my husband - mitski ❞

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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"we're having fettuccine for dinner. that's final."

ophelia was certain that at this point, week two, regulus was in reasonable shape, yet still insisting on residing in her apartment just to ensure that he remained a permanent migraine in her life. because god forbid she forget him, apparently.

she had gotten home from work in the auror office, no luck in tracking down rosier, recording intel of a death eater meeting that was to be further investigated, the usual– just to find regulus lounged on her armchair like a benevolent, slightly sexier santa claus.

"no, we are not." she noted, her tone exasperated as she set her bag down on the couch, peeling off her auror robes, tossing them unceremoniously onto the rack where they landed perfectly– score. "we're having sandwiches."

"but we had sandwiches yesterday."

"who cares?"

"my stomach does."

ophelia made a sound of amusement in the back of her throat, before shaking her head. "i'm not making fettuccine for dinner, black. you're eating a sandwich, and then going to my bedroom."

regulus blanched, and ophelia immediately backtracked. "--to hide, you idiot. i have people coming over, i cannot let a random death eater just appear in my apartment when i'm having other aurors and order members over."

"oh." he looked disappointed, almost, and she flicked the top of his head.

"you're pathetic." she decided, before looking humored as she moved over to the kitchen. he followed her like a wounded dog, purely to heckle her.

the thing about regulus black, was that his exterior was that of an heir; since the death of his father, he was technically lord black, so it was only expected that since birth, he was cynical, intelligent, and a bit of a recluse. but once you broke the interior, cheat code or otherwise, he was rather...flummoxing.

he would play it up with ophelia, of course, because his life's purpose was to ensure that hers never saw a minute of peace, however under the snark, the messed up values and the idiocy, he was just a peculiar boy who read too much to be completely sane.

"i'm not pathetic. i merely think the event of me starving from malnutrition is a travesty." regulus mused, winding his arms around her from behind, his palms gently rested on her waist, his chin on her shoulder as she took out a plate from her cabinet– the only one she used, because the others were full of dust.

yes, that was what had happened in two weeks. the unpleasant truth about herself that ophelia never really admitted, was that she was rather easy to tug back into codependency, as unhealthy as it was in truth. remus had always told her to relay to marlene that getting back together with her exes was inadvisable, as it was not them you were falling back into love with, but rather, old memories.

well, she carried the advice, but apparently could not follow it. it was a slow return to the normal she had forgotten, just slightly more hostile verbally. but it wasn't really going back to an ex, was it? this was a weird limbo, that couldn't be considered anything as it would change in an instant, like alastor's temper, for example.

some issues had been worked out, some had not. that was all she could really reason, because saying that regulus had changed was a stretch, in her opinion.

"black, i can't reach the knife if you're doing that." ophelia noted dryly as she set the toast on the plate, shooting a look at the rack.

"i'll get it for you." regulus replied with ease, before unwinding one of his arms from where it had attempted to fuse with her torso to fetch the implement for her.

"thank you." she noted, still in half a mind to threaten him with the butter blade, but deciding against it as his nose nuzzled into the crook of her neck with a contented hum. damn him.

"you are very, very welcome." a kiss pressed behind her ear.

she shouldered him off, her expression amused as she buttered the toast and removed the crusts, one from each end. "don't do that."

he rubbed a hand gingerly against where his wound had been, slightly jostled by her motion– which she couldn't be blamed for frankly, as he was the one who had decided that it was the perfect time to attempt to schmooze up to her when she was carrying a knife in hand. "rude."

against all better judgment, and the logical side of her screaming profanities at her impulses, she sighed in mild exasperation and turned to the side, pressing a brief, compensatory kiss to his mouth, which he returned with horridly concealed enthusiasm. regulus' hands found their way back to resting on her waist, his fingers curling gently against her skin as he ensured their breaths mixed thoroughly with the motion. 

it was hard to tell who was wrapped around whose finger, or if both of them were stuck in some shared delusion induced by stress, boredom, and the imminent danger that had thus far been ignored.

ophelia pulled away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and shrugging. "will you actually let me cook now?"

"you can't exactly call that cooking, but alright, i will let you proceed." regulus conceded after a pause, gray eyes glittering wryly as a lopsided smirk lightly grazed his lips before he looked away, busying himself with washing his hands and the plate that had been used.

jesus christ.

she had cleaned up the counter after chivvying regulus into her bedroom and locking the door behind him; just in case he decided that he was going to sabotage her reputation due to the sandwich being subpar. her eyebrows raised in slight bemusement as, just on time, there was a knock on the door.

she tugged it open after peering through the peephole (that was a lie, her personal security was pretty shit for a time where death eaters were running rampant), and was greeted by nearly getting tackled off her feet by marlene mckinnon.

"mate, you're still alive! i thought dorcas was lying to me." the engagement ring marlene wore dug slightly into ophelia's arm as she awkwardly patted her friend on the back, a grin on her face.

"sweetheart, let her breathe before i make alastor make this a strictly auror-orientated meeting." dorcas stated wryly, her black braids swept into an elegant updo, in contrast with marlene's somehow shaggier blonde hair, the cut even more choppy than it had been the last time ophelia had seen her.

"nice to see you too, marls." ophelia mused, once marlene had decided she had broken her ribs enough, and stepped aside. "well? don't just stand there, come in."

╰┈➤ author's note ; hello yes i'm a utiliser of vague timeline jumps, anywayss

if you have any questions about this au or whatever, feel free to ask because i like ranting about my books lmao

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