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"stop touching your bloody wound."

ophelia swatted away regulus' pliant hand for the fifth time that hour, as she read the daily prophet next to him on the couch. after three days, she still didn't particularly trust him to be left in her living room alone, in case he did a little too much snooping, and found some information he could pass on to voldemort, like a mosquito with a disease.

regulus rolled his eyes, but obliged, resting his hand on the cushion beside him. he had a habit of fiddling with things, whether it be his rings, the embroidery of his death eater robes, or apparently, the stitches holding his flesh together. "i was not touching it."

"you were about to." she countered, not even bothering to look up from the article she was perusing, brows slightly furrowed. the headline was bold, and with the moving image of a skull suspended over what looked like a quaint home, it did not condone anything positive.

tragedy strikes fawley family: death eater attack claims lives of prominent wizarding family.

by elara fontaine, daily prophet correspondent.

in a chilling turn of events, the fawley family, distinguished members of the wizarding community, were found dead in their home (barnton, cheshire) yesterday evening. the scene, discovered by a neighbour, margot izzerby, on the way to feed her goats, is believed to be the work of death eaters, marking another horrifying chapter in the ongoing conflict in our society.

landon fawley (56), a respected potioneer at st. mungo's hospital, his wife marsuia (52), and their three sons—henry (29), arthur (22), and edmund (17)—succumbed to the attack, leaving the entire family shattered. the sole survivor, ten-year-old primrose fawley, miraculously escaped the sinister fate that befell her loved ones.

eyewitnesses reported a sense of foreboding when the fawley residence was discovered eerily silent, with the benevolent dark mark suspended over their family home indicating sinister magical activity. ministry aurors, led by head of the department of magical law enforcement, swiftly arrived at the scene upon receiving the alarm from concerned neighbors.

"this is a heartbreaking incident," shared minister for magic, millicent bagnold, in an official statement. "the fawley family were highly regarded and contributed significantly to our magical community. our thoughts and prayers are with young primrose fawley during this tragic time."

rumors speculate that death eaters, followers of he-who-must-not-be-named, targeted the fawley family due to landon fawley's outspoken opposition against dark magic and his research into antidotes for cursed ailments that have been used to target the muggle population (see august 18th edition, page 14). however, the ministry has not confirmed these suspicions.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐌 ; regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now