Rich people, 14 Euros and Doxing celebrities

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Charlotte sat on her expansive balcony in a flowing satin robe, sipping on a cup of luxurious, fragrant tea and flicking through a tragic love story with a deeply depressing ending. Her husband, Liam, was away for a game in another country, leaving her alone for the week. And with the whole mansion already organized to her liking and dinner prepared, she relished the peace and quiet, soaking in the summer sun.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on her phone: SOMEONE AT MAIN GATE.
What a bother. Checking the cameras, she nearly spat out her tea when she saw the face of an old friend. Well, friend didn't quite capture the complex dynamics of their love-hate, give-take, parasite-host relationship. 

Charlotte switched on the microphone, "Get lost." 
The crisp image of Aurelia on the screen grinned, pressing her face up against the camera. "CHARLOTTE! BABY! MY LOVE!" she exclaimed. 

"Leave," Charlotte muttered, already heading downstairs. 

"NEVER," Aurelia's bright blue eye retorted. Why was she so close to the camera?

Charlotte donned her designer sunglasses, slipped on her heels, and pushed open her thick, dark wooden front door, catching sight of Aurelia's figure behind the gate across the gravel driveway. 

"I KNEW YOU COULDN'T RESIST ME!" Aurelia shouted upon seeing Charlotte, waving her arms wildly as if she were about to take flight. 

Confused and bemused, Charlotte used her phone to open the front gate and instantly regretted it as Aurelia crashed into her, enveloping her in a crushing hug that knocked the air out of her lungs.

Inside, Charlotte led Aurelia to a plush couch in her lavish living room, taking a seat in an elegant armchair on the other side of the coffee table. "How.. How did you know where I live?" she asked worriedly. 

Aurelia didn't reply immediately, focused instead on trying to figure out a way to sit where the least amout of her was in direct contact with Charlotte's furniture. She felt unworthy. "Beren and Ruya told me," she replied, unsure how Charlotte would react if she told her that she'd spent 14 Euros on a website that doxed celebrities and found out where Charlotte's Rugby Star husband lived. And a lot more.

Charlotte nodded along, giving Aurelia a quick, discreet once-over. She looked.. Rough. "Aren't you supposed to be in Poland?" she asked, continuing her interrogation. 

Aurelia blinked, "Yeah.." She trailed off, thinking back on everything that happened after she left the country all those years ago. "Shit happened." 

Charlotte hummed in acknowlegement, realising she wasn't sure if she wanted to know what exactly the 'shit' that happened was. She took a contemplative sip of her tea.

"Are you hungry?" She finally asked.

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